Top 8 how to increase YouTube subscriptions effectively in 2024

The Subscriber count plays a role important for every content creator or business investor on YouTube. If the YouTube channel has more people registered and known, it will be easy to turn on monetization. If you want to know how to increase YouTube subscribers for free, quickly, and 1000% successfully. Follow the article below and listen to the sharing from Optimal Agency experts to understand better!

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What is a YouTube sub?

What is a YouTube sub?

Short for Subscriber, meaning the number of subscribers to a Youtube channel. The number of channel subscribers is not only beneficial for YouTubers but also for subscribers. If users subscribe to a certain YouTube channel, they will receive notifications of activities from the channel and will not miss any new videos. Youtube channel owners, can bring their videos to reach many people and reach the right target audience.

By subscribing to a YouTube channel, viewers can select the content they want to watch and limit nonsense videos that do not meet their needs. The number of Subscribers is displayed below the channel name in the main interface of that YouTube channel. YouTube channels with many subscribers will usually have more views and likes. That can help YouTube channel owners make money from advertising.

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Why is it necessary to increase YouTube subscriptions?

There are many reasons why you need to increase YouTube subscribers:

Enable monetization for the YouTube channel

If you want to become a Youtuber create content videos on this platform to make money. Therefore, if you know how to increase YouTube subscriptions, you can turn on the monetization feature. The minimum number of subscriptions on the YouTube channel that you need to achieve is 1000 subs and 4000 hours of public viewing which is considered valid by YouTube.

Increase views and interactions

The more subscriptions a YouTube channel has, the more views you will receive every time you post a video on the channel than channels with fewer subscriptions. This is the reason why YouTubers find ways to increase Subscribers by calling on viewers to click the subscribe button and follow their channel.

If your channel has many subscribers, they will be more likely to interact with your channel: watch videos, leave comments, and like videos,… This helps you increase the level of interaction with your audience and build a fan community.


Knowing how to increase YouTube subscribers will help your channel become more interesting and known and increase the number of views for your videos. At the same time, strengthen trust and develop a business or personal brand. Because most viewers will look at the number of followers, views, or shares to evaluate the quality of the channel. This will help you become famous and create opportunities to cooperate with many large businesses and attract many sponsors. Specifically, you can accept invitations to advertise or serve business development if any.

Next comes the right target audience

Each YouTube channel will convey different video content and also target different target audiences. Subscribers also show the audience’s interest and love for your YouTube channel. Therefore, building a YouTube channel is also very helpful in promoting brands to companies and businesses. If you use a YouTube channel to sell, your products and business can reach the right target audience and increase sales quickly.

Increase the reputation of your YouTube channel

The number of channel subscribers is an important indicator to evaluate the reputation and influence of a YouTube channel. If a channel has many Subscribers, YouTube will prioritize displaying it in search results and suggestions to help attract more new viewers.

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Summary of how to increase YouTube subscriptions for free and effectively

Summary of how to increase YouTube subscriptions for free and effectively

When building your channel, if you want to attract and have more loyal fans for your YouTube channel, you need to create professionalism and leave your mark. To do that, your YouTube channel needs to fully meet the following criteria:

Complete and optimize channel display

When building your channel, if you want to attract and have more loyal fans for your YouTube channel, you need to create professionalism and leave your mark. To do that, your YouTube channel needs to fully meet the following criteria:

Full avatar and cover photo of YouTube channel. In addition, you can fully customize the information for the channel: describe the channel’s content, and add social network links and emails,…

Ensure reasonable video arrangement and division, sharp video quality, and vivid sound. According to research, the ideal length for a YouTube video is 10 minutes. Except for videos that are movie content, you should optimize the video length during this period.

Videos posted on YouTube channels need to have full titles, thumbnails, and quality content. Ensure your video title is compelling and addresses a topic your target audience is interested in. Furthermore, insert a call to Subscribe to the channel in the video content. However, depending on the layout of the video, you can insert calls to like, share, and subscribe to the channel at the beginning, middle, or end of each video. You can create a blurred image that invites viewers to subscribe to the channel.

If you ensure your video has all the above elements, it will create sympathy with viewers on the YouTube channel. From there, create curiosity with viewers and click the Subscribe button if your channel has useful content. These are the criteria to help increase subs for your YouTube channel.

Build quality, consistent channel content

Channel content is an important factor if you want to build a professional channel. It is the factor that attracts and retains content viewers and decides whether viewers click Subscribe to follow your channel or not. Therefore, the way to increase YouTube subscribers is that you need to create consistent and quality content on the channel.

Getting natural Subscribers on the channel is the result of creativity, investing in content, and providing real value to the channel. If the video content on the channel is attractive and useful, viewers will be more likely to click the subscribe button. However, you need to create unique content but still ensure humanity. You should create your hot trend, the video will be highly appreciated and increase Subscribers quickly.

Share videos on social networking platforms

If your Youtube channel is a new channel without many Subs, share your video on social networking platforms: Facebook, Instagram,… This will help your video receive much attention and awareness from many viewers. They will automatically find your channel, and the number of Subscribers will also increase.

Subscribe exchange

This is one of the most popular ways to increase YouTube subscriptions today, applied by many content creators. Use your YouTube account to subscribe to other channels, and maybe the admin of the other channel will also subscribe to your channel. Some Subscribe exchange sites that you can refer to include:, addmefast,…

Use Power Playlists

It is one of the most methods effective and completely free to hack YouTube Subs. For YouTube channels with many videos with different topics, you can divide the content into multiple playlists. Power Playlists offer convenience as they are a curated list of videos from your channel that can be created and shared with viewers. Arranging videos by topic helps viewers find videos easily. From there, increase the frequency of video views and subscriptions on the channel.

Actively interact with viewers

Your interaction with viewers on your channel will help retain old subscriptions and attract new subscriptions to your YouTube channel. You can refer to effective ways to increase YouTube subscriptions as follows:

  • Drop Tym or reply to the comment of the viewer who commented
  • Positive comments or comments from major channels, if you find it suitable, you can pin that comment to the top.
  • Livestream interactions with viewers will often be Q&A videos, and this feature is not available on newly established YouTube channels.
  • Organize giveaways for viewers and channel followers to gain loyal fans. However, this method only applies to channels that have a certain number of Subs.

Add tags to videos on the channel

You should use tags related to video content to help viewers easily find videos with topics of interest on YouTube. This not only helps increase the visibility of the video to viewers but also contributes to increasing the number of Subs on the channel.

Create and publish videos regularly

According to Social Media Examiner, YouTube channels that publish more than one video per week will attract more users to subscribe to the channel than channels that do not. Then, if anyone subscribes to your channel, they will receive an email notification whenever they upload a new video. If viewers receive email notifications every week, they are more likely to engage with your videos, etc. Especially when your video content is original, engaging and informative. Creating and publishing videos regularly will be an effective way to increase YouTube subscriptions for your channel.

Some other how to increase YouTube subscriptions

Some other how to increase YouTube subscriptions

Besides the above methods to increase the number of subscriptions on YouTube channels, you can apply the following methods to increase Subs quickly:

Run ads for the YouTube channel

In case you want to increase Subs for your YouTube channel quickly and effectively, running ads is the top choice. This helps your YouTube channel reach the most viewers. If your advertisement is attractive with quality videos, the number of Subs on the YouTube channel will increase quickly. This is a quick and safe way to increase YouTube subscribers.

To run a YouTube channel promotion campaign, you need to prepare the following ingredients: a Google Ads account, Visa/Mastercard, YouTube channel, and old Gmail to manage the account and campaign. With your Google advertising account, you need to link it to your YouTube account.

If you want to deploy successful and highly effective YouTube ad campaigns, you need to have a high-quality, high-trust Google advertising account. Rent a Google Ads Agency account with reliability, the best fees on the market, and many attractive incentives from Optimal. Optimal’s advertising account is carefully vetted with high trust and has run many difficult products. Therefore, you can be completely assured that your advertising campaign will have the best bid price.

Using our service you do not need to manage accounts or campaigns. You just need to submit details about your campaign and advertising budget. Our team of experts will make your advertising campaign work 100%. Experts will send you daily reports on the status of your YouTube ads campaign.

Optimal experts will always accompany and support you 24/7. Free account and campaign setup, keyword and advertising content moderation, and editing support. In addition, we also support you with policy violation links with a safe and effective internal link cloaking system. Issues related to advertising and accounts disabled due to policy violations will be thoroughly handled. For more detailed information about the service and to receive the best quote, please contact the hotline: +84819004282!

Cooperate with major YouTube channels

On the other hand, you can cooperate with famous YouTube channels to promote your channel. This is an effective channel promotion method that helps increase the number of Subs for the YouTube channel. However, you need to pay attention to renting a YouTube channel with the same topic or related to the content you are aiming to ensure the channel is aimed at the target audience.

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Hire famous people, and KOLs to PR for the channel

KOLs and Influencers are people who influence the community. Their words and actions have a certain influence and prestige. Therefore, if you cooperate with them to promote and share your YouTube channel, the number of Subs on the channel will increase significantly.

Above is all the information related to how to increase YouTube subscribers quickly and effectively. Hopefully, the sharing from our experts will help you in further developing your YouTube channel.

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Frequently asked questions

What is free YouTube sub-increase software?

YouTube subscription-increasing software is a tool used to increase the number of subscribers for your YouTube channel. These tools use methods to increase Subs including automatic search and registration, exchanging Subs with other users, and performing marketing activities to attract new users.
Currently, there are many free YouTube Sub increase software including USUB, QniTubeAction, Seo Click, YTB Viewer, YtMonster, Youtube Views, Increaser, iView, YouTubeByClick, VideoBot, YouTube Views Bot, Traffic Bot Full Edition,…

What time frame should I post a video to increase YouTube Subs?

You need to choose the right time to post videos and increase your chances of getting good views as well as increasing the number of Subs for your YouTube channel. At present, the video posting time frame applied by major channels is around 5 pm – 6 pm. However, you should use tools to analyze user behavior on YouTube channels to know when there are many video views on that channel. Through analysis and evaluation, analyze the appropriate time frame to schedule the video posting in advance.

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