8 Reasons why the website was penalized and ways to fix effectively

Your website has continuously dropped in rankings and is no longer displayed on Google search results. That’s a typical sign that your website has been penalized by Google for violating principles and policies. What are the reasons why the website was penalized and disappeared from Google? Please join Optimal Agency in exploring the article below to get the answer to this problem and find an effective solution.

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Signs that reasons why websites are penalized by Google

A website penalized by Google often has the following identifying signs:

  • Checking the keyword rankings, all of the keywords fell off the top and the keywords seriously dropped from the top.
  • Natural traffic on the website decreased rapidly and abnormally in a short period.
  • Your website name is no longer on Google’s search ranking page.
  • The number of indexed articles decreased sharply, indexing speed also took longer.
  • The Pagerank index has dropped sharply due to the influence of the backlink system,…

To be more certain, please refer to how to check if a website is penalized by Google. Or use some website check tools such as Search Google, Google Analytics, Webpagetest,… After you check and know that your website is penalized by Google, let’s find out the causes of this error together. effective remedy.

Summary of common reasons why the website was penalized

Summary of common reasons why websites are penalized

Duplicate content on the page

To increase the amount of indexed content on the website, SEOers have sought to increase the amount of content on the page. By using tools or duplicating content on the page for multiple indexes, more content on the page will be evaluated better. Then your website will get high rankings on Google search results pages with more natural traffic.

However, Google will penalize your website for duplicate content on the page. The penalty for this error is that the website’s ranking may be affected or the website may be completely removed from Google’s index. At that time, your website will no longer appear in search results.

In SEO, backlinks play an important role and it affects the ranking of the website. Google always appreciates quality backlinks. However, many Seoers believe that the more backlinks the better, the backlinks received from websites with higher quality scores are better.

This is true but not enough because the number of backlinks is only good when received from websites with the same topic, forums, and forums with the same set of potential users. It cannot be denied that backlinks bring SEO efficiency to the website, but too many backlinks will attract the Penguin algorithm’s attention.

Copy content from other websites

Many people do not know how to build content on their website, so they copy content from other websites and then edit and re-upload it to their website. At that time, the website that was built was no different from a “garbage” website. Google never evaluates or ranks such websites.

Poor quality content, thin content

One of the most common reasons why Websites are penalized. Content that lacks knowledge and does not create added value for readers is okay but only focuses on sales navigation and will be considered poor-quality content.

Google doesn’t look at the article, Google looks at the user. The longer users stay on the page and switch to internal links more often, proving that the article is a good quality article with a lot of query content. Such articles are highly appreciated by Google and have good rankings.

Health websites are susceptible to penalties

With the specific characteristics of health and medicine professions, all content must be verified through experts, practice certificates, degrees, or business licenses. Health websites need to have trust, evaluated through the following factors: expertise, authority, and reliability. This is a move for Google to protect users from fraudulent content.

External Link is a type of link that points outside the page in the form of a referral link to another website. Link out affects the strength score of the website by following links. Google recommends not linking too many external links.

According to Google policy, a website with too many off-page links will be more likely to be penalized. The heaviest penalty that Google can impose is the permanent deletion of all your Google Index links. Thus, that website will never be able to rank high on Google.

Being played badly by opponents

This is one of the tricks to take down other websites when competitors use dirty links and fire a series of shots at their website. At first, you will not be able to know that your website has been attacked by competitors because there are no signs of recognition. Only when too many dirty backlinks are pumped into your website will your website disappear.

Use virtual traffic

To enhance positive signals for Google to understand and rank your website higher, SEO experts have used tools to increase website views. If the amount is small, Google won’t pay attention, but if the amount of traffic increases suddenly, especially traffic coming from a specific location, Google will penalize your website immediately.

How to fix a website penalized by Google successfully

How to fix a website penalized by Google successfully

After finding out the reasons why Websites are penalized, let’s explore effective solutions as follows:

If the reason your website is penalized is because it has too many low-quality backlinks. Then, remove links to your website from poor quality websites or Spam content, content pages that are not related to your website content.

Instead, you should build quality backlinks. Google does not limit the number of backlinks to your website. But backlinks need to come from pages with related content. The number of dofollow backlinks and nofollow backlinks are equal. Quality backlinks have users accessing them, have a low bounce rate, and stay on the page for a long time.

Build quality content

Content is being evaluated as the most important factor in SEO. Therefore, to avoid being penalized by Google for duplicate content, you need to focus on researching target customers and website topics to create appropriate and quality content. Before deploying a website with a specific field, please refer to your competitors’ content. Learn and develop your content to bring more value and useful knowledge to readers.

Add necessary documents

If your website operates or does business related to the field of health or medicine, you should present documents to Google to prove your eligibility to appear on user search queries. Prove that your website is a trustworthy website, recognized by a reputable agency or organization.

According to Google policy, if a website has many off-page links, it may be penalized. Therefore, you should use a reasonable amount of outbound links and leave the links as nofollow. This will help your website somewhat improve its ranking on Google.

With today’s fierce competition, it is difficult for your website to avoid being played badly by competitors. However, Google has tools that allow you to remove dirty links from your website and disavow dirty links. By accessing the link: https://search.google.com/search-console/disavow-links?utm_source=wmx&utm_medium=deprecation-pane&utm_content=disavow-links-main and then enter the dirty links pointing back from your competitors. want to refuse.

Search for traffic coming from real users

To avoid violating the fake traffic error and you still want to have positive signals for Google to understand, you should look for traffic coming from social networks, forums, and satellite websites. Such traffic is traffic from real users that will bring value to your website.

By understanding the reasons why the website was penalized and ways to fix effectively and effective solutions, you can successfully apply these methods to get your website to the top of Google search results.

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Frequently asked questions

How long does it take for a website to be penalized by Google?

Manual penalties are in effect until you submit and pass a reconsideration request or until they expire. Some penalties can last for 6 months, or there are also cases where websites are penalized for 2 years before they expire.

However, when the penalty expires, your website will not be safe and will restore its original rankings and traffic. Your website ranking will not improve if you do not take any action after the penalty ends.

What are website health-checking tools?

Besides the usual ways to check if a website is penalized by Google, you can use website checking tools such as Search Google, Google Analytics, W3C Validator, or Webpagetest,…

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