10 how to get back FB interactions quickly and 100% effectively

Facebook losing interaction is a nightmare for individuals and businesses doing business online on this platform. When an article on a Fanpage or personal page has limited interaction, the article’s ability to reach potential customers will be poor and affect overall business performance. To overcome this situation, you need to clearly understand the causes and know how to get back FB interactions quickly. In this article, Optimal Agency will share more details about this issue!

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What is Facebook’s interaction squeeze?

That is your Facebook post’s decline in interaction metrics compared to the past. These interaction metrics include reach, likes, shares, and comments. You can also understand that your post is limited from being visible to others, causing interaction metrics to decrease.

There is no denying the role of Facebook interactions in helping your page expand its organic reach. If your post has a lot of interactions, it will be highly appreciated by the Facebook algorithm and help your post have a higher position on the user news feed. Interactions help your posts gain visibility and reach more audiences.

Facebook’s interaction squeeze greatly affects the visibility and reach of articles to the target audience. This is more serious for people doing business and selling on Facebook. When promotional sales posts on Facebook are restricted from being displayed, it will affect the revenue of an online shop or business.

Reasons why Facebook’s interaction is being squeezed

The Facebook squeeze error occurs frequently and is no longer strange to many people, but not everyone knows what causes this problem. Before learning how to regain FB interaction, let’s find out with Optimal the main causes of this error:

Reasons why Facebook's interaction is being squeezed

Checkpointed account

For some reason, Facebook suspects that there has been an unauthorized intrusion on your account and has locked your account and requested identity verification. After you follow the required steps log back in and unlock your account, your posts will have their interactions suppressed. It takes some time to regain engagement on Facebook posts.

Low posting frequency

According to many studies from Facebook experts, with the same article posted on an account that operates regularly and regularly, the reach and interaction rate will be higher than an account that only posts 1 post/per week. Therefore, you should improve your posting frequency to have Facebook suggest your posts to people with similar interests. At that time, the interaction level of the article will gradually increase.

Post too many articles or live streams selling products

If your account posts too much content about price, quality, or product details, Facebook will evaluate this as a sales post and will reduce interaction. In Vietnam, many brands use the livestream feature to sell products. Livestreaming with high frequency will bring attention to your Facebook account and limit interaction. Especially when you livestream without much interaction, it can be marked as spam.

Little interaction

One of the main reasons why your Facebook account loses engagement is that you rarely interact and respond to other users. When you don’t actively interact, responding to customer comments not only causes you to lose customer interaction but also gives you a bad review on Facebook. If you interact actively, the people you interact with will easily see the content you post.

Poor-quality article content

In case your post does not bring value to users, Facebook will reduce the display frequency. Especially content copied from other pages or violating Facebook’s community standards and policies, or posts with content similar to advertising, etc. Facebook will reduce the frequency of displaying these posts. and cause them to lose interaction quickly.

Images, videos, and articles are not invested

Facebook always values ​​user experience and the platform always wants to display quality and valuable content to users. Facebook accounts that post with low-quality images, videos, or images unrelated to the content will have their display limited and interaction reduced.

Spamming posts too much

With the orientation of becoming a healthy playground connecting the community and bringing many values ​​to users. Spam acts are strictly prohibited by Facebook such as posting continuously, duplicating, or spamming too many likes or comments,…


If you are reported on Facebook, it will cause a loss of interaction with your account for some time. When you are reported by a user for violating Facebook’s rules or policies, the platform will conduct an investigation. During that time, your interactions will be limited until the case is resolved.

In addition, Facebook’s loss of interaction also comes from algorithm changes. Or because you often share links to websites other than Facebook, posts containing malicious links or banned websites will be scanned by Facebook and reduce interaction.

How to get back FB interactions quickly and effectively

If you already understand the causes of Facebook losing or losing interactions. Please refer to our ways to regain Facebook interaction below:

How to get back FB interactions quickly and effectively

Invest in quality content

Content is an important factor that helps attract attention and retain customers. Therefore, if you want to increase engagement rates and create conversions, you should invest in content. If you want to create quality content, you need to research the characteristics and behavior of your target customers. If the content created is not suitable for them, it will not be able to attract interaction and will be negatively evaluated by Facebook and reduce visibility.

Not only do you need to ensure quality content, but you also need to add eye-catching images and videos to make your content more attractive and unique. To increase visibility and search from customers, add hashtags related to the content and diversify and refresh the content posted on Facebook.

Post during prime time

To increase engagement for your Facebook posts, you should post during the hours when your target audience is most active. Take the time to research and analyze the hours your audience accesses and uses Facebook the most. Then post the article at this time frame to increase reach and interaction. Some golden hour for posting on Facebook you can refer to morning from 6 – 9 am, lunch from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, evening from 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm.

Always comply with Facebook policies

Any playground has its own unwritten rules. When participating in business activities on Facebook, you also need to comply with the regulations, community standards, and policies of this platform. At that time, your article will be evaluated well by the algorithm and prioritized for display to a larger audience. If your content is high quality and brings a lot of value to customers, you will get a lot of interactions.

Actively interact with followers

If you want to impress your target customers as well as prove to Facebook that you are active. Regularly interact and respond to comments from followers or customers. This not only creates sympathy with customers but also increases the professionalism of your brand as well as increases interaction for posts on Facebook. The Facebook algorithm will prioritize displaying and recommending valuable content and receiving the most interactions from users.

Use Stories to increase engagement

You can take advantage of the Story feature to increase interaction with your posts. By posting to Story and adding unique effects, inserting music or text to attract viewer interest and interaction. This method can especially be applied when your Facebook interaction is suppressed to help increase customer reach significantly. This is one of the quick and effective ways to regain FB interactions that you should apply.

Create Groups on Facebook

By creating Groups, you can connect Facebook users and business pages effectively thanks to the attraction of sharing knowledge, tips, etc. If Facebook is regularly squeezed for interaction, you Create a group on topics related to your business. Then actively share information and posts posted to the Group so everyone can easily access it.

Pay attention to image and video quality

Images and videos are what attract users to click on your articles. The loss of engagement in your articles comes from poor quality or unattractive images and videos. Therefore, in addition to taking care of the content, you should pay attention to the quality of images and videos with appropriate content to retain users. You need to ensure images and videos have standard sizes to optimize post quality.

Make friends with a quality friend list

One of the methods to increase interaction on Facebook is to make friends with quality friends. Filter your friend list, unfriend those who don’t interact, and friend those who tend to be interested in the product. At the same time, interact with people interested in your products to increase the visibility of your articles on your page. This helps you reach the right target audience, increasing conversion rates.

Post with appropriate frequency

Posting too frequently can make users feel spammed and ignore your posts. Therefore, you should post with an appropriate frequency, about 1-2 posts/day is reasonable. You can test different frequencies and monitor the results to choose the right frequency. However, you can consider posting more frequently to increase your reach, but you need to consider your audience, learn about your competitors, and track results to make appropriate adjustments.

Limit editing articles after posting

Editing article content after posting may cause your account’s authenticity to be questioned. Facebook will increase checks to avoid content that scams other users. Therefore, you should carefully check the content and not edit anything after posting to help the article get more interactions.

By regaining FB interactions, you can overcome the situation of lost posts or reduced interactions. With detailed instructions, we hope that you can successfully apply it to handle problems, help improve interactions, and promote business activities to achieve high results.

Please see more:

Frequently asked questions

Why will Facebook engagement suddenly drop in 2024?

This happens because the algorithm has changed. The current Facebook algorithm prioritizes content coming from friends over public posts, leading to a decrease in the organic reach of the business page. Businesses doing business on Facebook need to adjust their strategy to create engaging, meaningful content that drives maximum engagement.

What software to increase Facebook interaction is safe and effective?

If you interact manually, you will need to go to your account to make friends, and interacting will take a lot of time and effort. Instead, you can use tools to increase Facebook interaction quickly and effectively. Some recommended software include Official Liker, WefBee, Abit, Simple Account, Yolikers,…

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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