Facebook Edgerank Algorithm 2024 Marketers Need to Know

Facebook is the largest social network globally and a “goldmine” for businesses to leverage for online marketing. To develop an effective Facebook Marketing strategy, marketers need to understand and grasp the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm. However, many are still unaware of this algorithm and how to improve EdgeRank performance. This article from Optimal Agency will help you understand this issue.

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What is Facebook EdgeRank?

Nowadays, a lot of content appears on Facebook daily, causing users to be confused about which information to choose. The Facebook EdgeRank algorithm determines which content will be displayed on a user’s Newsfeed based on their interests and preferences.

Typically, Facebook evaluates and ranks content based on user interactions such as likes, comments, and shares. The content that receives the most user interactions is prioritized for display on the Newsfeed. For marketers promoting products and services on Facebook, understanding the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm is crucial to increasing the chances of reaching the target audience.

EdgeRank plays a significant role in determining whether a marketer’s content will appear on a user’s Newsfeed. If the EdgeRank score is low, the promotional posts of a business may be forgotten, making it difficult for the business’s marketing campaigns to reach their target customers.

Conversely, the higher the EdgeRank score, the more likely a business’s content will be displayed. This means that the business can reach more target customers and convey the desired messages and provide information about products and services to the right audience.

Structure of the Facebook EdgeRank Algorithm

Structure of the Facebook EdgeRank Algorithm

The EdgeRank algorithm consists of three main components:

Affinity Score

Measures the relationship between the marketer and the user on Facebook. This means that the likelihood of users seeing your post is determined by their previous interactions on Facebook. Specifically, if you’ve interacted with someone’s post before, the EdgeRank algorithm assumes you’re interested in that content and will display it more often on the Newsfeed.

Currently, Facebook has updated this by replacing Affinity Score with Last Actor. The algorithm now considers the last 50 interactions a user has with friends and Fanpages, which determines what content appears on their Newsfeed.

Edge Weight

This is an important factor in the EdgeRank algorithm that prioritizes posts based on content type. Facebook hosts various types of content, and the platform ranks them hierarchically because some types are more engaging. For example, images and videos are prioritized over links and text-only status updates.
Additionally, Edge Weight always considers user interactions with a Page. For example, comments are more influential than likes, even though both factors affect the overall strength. If a post has 50 likes and 10 comments, it is more likely to be displayed than a post without any interactions.

Time Decay

It refers to the freshness of the content, meaning older posts are less likely to appear on a user’s Newsfeed. This depends on the frequency with which users visit Facebook. For users who log into Facebook 1-2 times a week, the experience will differ from those who use Facebook daily. This approach has limitations as some users may miss useful information they’re interested in.
To address this issue, Facebook replaced Time Decay with Story Bumping. This means certain content will be displayed based on relevance to the user, even if it was posted a long time ago. New posts will still appear but may not be at the top.

In addition, readers should learn more about the following article: Integrated Marketing Communications Planning Process.

How to Improve EdgeRank on Facebook?

Based on the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm, marketers can enhance the effectiveness of their Facebook marketing campaigns. To improve EdgeRank performance and increase the visibility of business posts, consider the following tips:

How to Improve EdgeRank on Facebook?

Improve Content Quality

The Facebook EdgeRank algorithm prioritizes quality content, such as creative content, engaging images, and links that entice users to click. If the content isn’t engaging, users may feel disappointed and leave. However, if the content is unique, creative, and provides useful information, it will increase user engagement, thus raising the likelihood of the post appearing on users’ Newsfeeds.
To improve EdgeRank and campaign performance, develop a detailed content plan that aligns with the business’s brand positioning and meets users’ information needs.

Ensure Posting Frequency

Regular posting enhances a business’s online presence on Facebook and maintains positive interactions between the business and its customers. If posts receive consistent engagement, the EdgeRank score improves, increasing the chances of the post appearing on the Newsfeed and reaching more customers. Plan to post 1-2 times daily to manage posting times effectively.

Add Images and Videos to Posts

Images and videos attract users to click on content, quickly conveying information and gaining higher engagement rates. Adding images and videos to posts can boost EdgeRank. You can also use simple images to convey your message and stimulate customers’ imaginations to create specific stories. This helps create a brand personality, enhance competitive advantage, and reach more customers.

Actively Engage with Users

Facebook prioritizes posts with high engagement, making them more likely to appear. To increase user engagement, you can organize mini-games, ask questions, etc., to boost interaction. Encourage users to interact more to increase affinity scores and improve EdgeRank, thus enhancing the visibility of the business’s content on users’ Newsfeeds.

Comply with Facebook’s Content Policies

When creating content on Facebook, it’s not just about focusing on quality, but you also need to adhere to the platform’s content policies. According to community standards, Facebook prohibits hate speech, threats, and other harmful behaviors. Therefore, before posting any content on Facebook, avoid spamming or violating Facebook’s rules. This will result in positive feedback from users and improve the visibility of the post on users’ Newsfeeds.

Additionally, to improve EdgeRank, consider researching and posting during peak times, regularly monitoring, measuring, analyzing, and optimizing your posting plan, and studying competitors to make appropriate adjustments.

Through this article, you can better understand the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm and know how to optimize your page’s posts to increase the likelihood of appearing on users’ Newsfeeds. This helps enhance the online presence of the business and ensures that Facebook Marketing campaigns are highly effective.

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What are the common mistakes about Facebook EdgeRank?

There are many debates and discussions about how the EdgeRank algorithm affects the display results of content on the NewsFeed. Common misunderstandings about Facebook EdgeRank include the belief that each user has their own EdgeRank score, that EdgeRank is affected by third-party tools, and that EdgeRank is the main reason for reduced visibility from pages. These are mistakes that marketers need to avoid to better understand the EdgeRank algorithm and know how to use it to improve marketing strategy performance.

Can EdgeRank scores be checked through any tools?

Checking EdgeRank scores is impossible, except for Facebook itself. It is unlikely that any third-party tool can measure EdgeRank. Facebook keeps the algorithm secret and continuously adjusts it. For a Fanpage, there is no specific EdgeRank because each user has a different Affinity Score. However, marketers can measure the impact of EdgeRank by checking reach numbers and using Facebook’s analytics tools to measure the level of engagement received.

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