How to build a content strategy that attracts customers

Creating creative content is a key element of any business’s Inbound Marketing strategy. If you only focus on posting articles and videos to sell without bringing real value to readers, you will not be able to achieve the expected results. It is important to know how to build standard Inbound content, thereby attracting the attention of potential customers and building long-term relationships with them. In this article, Optimal Agency will share with you ways to build a content strategy.

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What are the elements of quality content that attracts customers?

What are the elements of quality content that attracts customers?

Quality content that attracts customers must have many important factors to ensure effectiveness in reaching and retaining customers, specifically as follows:

  • Content needs to have real value and relate to customer needs. This means that the article, video, or any form of content must provide useful information, solve problems that customers are facing, or meet their expectations.
  • Authenticity and trustworthiness. Content needs to be thoroughly researched, provide accurate information, and have clear sources. This helps build trust and reputation of the business with customers.
  • Content needs to be presented in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. Using simple, clear language, accompanied by images, videos or illustrative graphics will help the content become more vivid and accessible.
  • Creativity and originality are also important factors. The content needs to have a fresh perspective or a different approach compared to competitors. This not only helps the content stand out but also retains customers longer.
  • Interactivity also needs to be emphasized. Customers today prefer to participate and interact with content rather than just passively reading or viewing. Therefore, encouraging customers to comment, share, or participate in content-related activities will help increase engagement and create a community around the brand.
  • SEO optimization is indispensable to ensure content is easily accessible by customers through search engines. Using keywords appropriately, optimizing titles, descriptions, and meta tags will help content appear high on search results pages, thereby increasing the chance of attracting potential customers.

Quality content that attracts customers must have a harmonious combination of real value, authenticity, attractive presentation, creativity, high interaction, and SEO optimization. These factors not only help content reach the right customers but also retain them, build long-term relationships, and motivate them to return in the future.

How to build the best quality content strategy?

To be able to plan to create quality content that attracts customers, you can apply the following specific tips:

How to build the best quality content strategy?

Build content consistent with the Customer Journey chart

Content marketers work hard to tailor their content to the needs and problems of their target audience, as well as their position on the Customer Journey. This requires not only creativity but also a specific and precise strategy. According to recent data, while 69% of best-in-class marketers understand and apply content creation strategies that align with the screening stages of the Marketing and Sales Funnel, only 48% of marketers usually know and are applying it. Therefore, if you want to become one of the excellent marketers in the industry, you need to update and apply this strategy immediately.
Understanding the Customer Journey and understanding their needs is essential for content creation, but it is not the only strategy for engaging customers and generating new leads. We always remind our customers to “mapping” content with the current needs of the customer base to achieve positive results after each campaign.

Make an impression with the title

The most important thing when starting to write an article is to come up with a great headline. The title is the deciding factor in attracting clicks and visits. You should spend a lot of time coming up with a title that is most likely to attract your audience. Vietnamese readers often tend to click on titles with positive energy such as “Best”, “Fastest”, “Always”, “Easiest”, “Amazing”, or detailed instruction topics such as “05 ways to”, “Detailed instructions to help”, “Don’t miss the method”. In addition, you can also take advantage of negative headlines like “Common mistakes” or “Ineffective business strategies” to increase traffic, because customers are always looking for the best and want to avoid the worst.

Create a variety of different content

People are always attracted to images, so when writing content, make sure your article is not just a big block of text. Adding more images, videos, charts, graphs to your article… is a way to make your article easier to read and more attractive. CoSchedule is a prime example of a business implementing a successful content strategy, by adding many working interface images, step-by-step instructions, and highly descriptive images. Thanks to that, readers will feel comfortable reading and easily visualize what content marketers are trying to describe.

Write a detailed article with specific evidence

Instead of just writing short articles, you should conduct extensive research on your industry and publish articles that provide in-depth content. No matter what form of content you produce, long posts always yield better results, for example, videos longer than 10 minutes, or reports, ebooks, and podcasts. However, blogging is still the most successful form of content and can attract potential customers. You should write blog posts that are thousands of words long and add lots of evidence to make the article more convincing. SEOers understand this tip very well because it is beneficial for increasing article rank. Additionally, from an Inbound perspective, it also brings practical value to potential customers trying to find information about their problem.

Imagine you are telling a story to your readers

Instead of writing boring articles with lots of numbers, analysis, and evidence, turn them into stories. Interacting and chatting with customers through your articles is a great way for customers to learn from you. This type of content is very familiar, the language is easy to understand and often provides solutions to problems customers are facing. Up to 80% of consumers think that long-form content models are really attractive to them. They prefer to learn different pieces of information in a series of connected posts rather than just watching a promotional video.

Build articles according to deep topics that are related to each other. Viewers can analyze and apply many learned topics to their problems from many aspects. To sell your “solution” in these stories, look at your customer’s needs and figure out what “problems” your product or service can solve. Then, the article will help you filter out quality audiences and have a higher chance of converting into customers.

Also, learn more articles like Facebook Messenger marketing strategy.

In this article, we have listed the detailed content most accurately. We hope that the information we have shared can help everyone learn about the standards for good content and implement tips to create attractive content. get many customers.

Explore more:


Content marketing strategy building process?

The process of building a Content Marketing strategy includes the following specific steps: First, determine the goal of the strategy, such as increasing traffic, generating leads, or increasing brand awareness. Next, research and analyze your target customers to understand their needs, interests, and problems. Then, develop a detailed content plan, including appropriate topics, formats, posting schedules, and distribution channels. Produce high-quality, engaging, and valuable content, ensuring consistency and alignment with brand messaging. Finally, measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy through important indicators, then adjust and optimize to achieve the best results.

How to build content for fanpage?

Building content for a fanpage requires creativity and a deep understanding of the target audience. First, you need to clearly define the goals of your fanpage, from increasing interaction, building a brand, to generating potential customers. Content must be rich and diverse, combining articles, images, videos, and interactive posts such as quizzes, surveys, or minigames. Content needs to bring value to viewers, such as sharing knowledge, tips, or new information related to the fanpage’s field of activity. In particular, maintaining a regular posting frequency and responding positively to user comments will help build a cohesive and loyal fanpage community.

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