How to build a Facebook customer file potential?

If you’re looking to reduce advertising costs and increase the number of orders on Facebook, start by creating an effective customer audience. Targeting the right customer file will enhance the effectiveness of your advertising strategy. In today’s article, Optimal Agency will guide you on how to build a Facebook customer file.

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What is a Facebook customer file?

What is a Facebook customer file?

A Facebook customer file is a crucial tool for optimizing your advertising campaigns. It’s a list of target groups that you can filter and customize based on Facebook’s suggestions, including various factors like age, location, interests, gender, email addresses, phone numbers, and website traffic. When you run ads on Facebook, the platform provides detailed data on the target customer audience. This information includes user characteristics and behaviors, allowing you to understand your target audience better. After launching your ads and collecting data, saving customer audiences that interact well is essential. This data will help you analyze the effectiveness of your current campaigns and adjust future campaigns to achieve better results.

Storing and utilizing high-engagement customer audiences will help you optimize future ad models, targeting those who are more likely to show interest and take positive action. This not only enhances advertising effectiveness but also saves costs by focusing on potential customer groups and improving conversion rates. Effectively managing and using Facebook customer audiences will bring many benefits, from optimizing your ad campaigns to enhancing your overall business performance. Make the most of this data to build more precise and effective marketing strategies.

How important is a customer file?

Did you know that everything you do on Facebook since creating your account is tracked and stored? This is a crucial secret that helps Facebook develop algorithms and provide effective advertising services. Every action you take on the platform contributes to forming a detailed picture of your habits and preferences. Specifically, Facebook records data about what you read and how long you stay on that content. It tracks what you like, react to, comment on, and the Fanpages and topics you interact with the most. This information helps Facebook better understand your interests and preferences. If you make a purchase from a Facebook ad, that data is also stored. Facebook tracks the videos you watch, including the topics and duration of those views. You’ll also notice that Facebook logs the places you check-in and any other activities you perform on the platform.

All of this data isn’t just stored but is used to serve Facebook’s advertising purposes. Facebook applies this information to optimize the ads you see, creating ad targets that align with your behavior and interests. This explains why some ads just catch your attention, while others prompt you to make an immediate purchase. By analyzing this data, Facebook can provide a range of different advertising targets to meet the needs and purposes of users. This not only enhances the effectiveness of advertising campaigns but also helps you, as a user, receive ads that are more relevant to your interests and needs. This is also the correct way to Facebook advertising goals that readers should know.

How to build a Facebook customer file?

To build a Facebook customer file, you can follow these methods:

How to build a Facebook customer file?

Custom Target

Custom Target is a method that focuses on targeting custom files, such as people who have watched your videos. If you have multiple videos and believe that long viewers are potential customers, you can create a custom file from these individuals.

Steps to create a custom file:

  • In Ads Manager or Business Manager, select “Audiences.”
  • In the audience creation section, choose “Custom Audience.”
  • Select the source “Facebook” > “Video.”
  • Choose the audience who watched the video (by seconds or percentage), select the data collection period, and name the audience.
  • Create a custom audience based on video engagement. You can select one or multiple videos at once. Finally, save and use the audience.

These methods each have their advantages, and depending on your advertising goals, you can choose the most suitable method to optimize your Facebook ad campaign.

Zero Target

Zero Target is an advanced targeting method that doesn’t use any specific criteria. You only need to set the age, gender, and location without establishing detailed targeting criteria. This method is often used to nurture ad accounts and Pixel, especially when running conversion campaigns.

When you run ads for a specific product or service, Facebook will learn that your ad account is suitable for that audience. Over time, when you launch new ads, Facebook will prioritize finding similar audiences to display your ads. Facebook is very intelligent and can automatically optimize your ads based on the images and content you provide.

Flex Target

Flex Target is a method that helps you narrow down your ad audience based on your customer profile. For example, if you offer business-building courses for SMEs, you can narrow the audience by selecting “Director” and “SMEs.”

If the audience is too small, you can expand it by adding interest and behavior factors to the target audience. For example:

  • Interests > Additional Interests: Business, SMEs
  • Behaviors > Digital Activities > Facebook Page Admins
  • Interests > Business and Industry: Retail

While some people may prefer using the Simple Target method and focusing on images and content, you should experiment with Flex Target and evaluate its effectiveness. This method can help you find the most effective Facebook targeting strategy for your product.

Super Target with Audience Insights

Audience Insights is a customer research tool that helps you evaluate the accuracy of the audience you are targeting. By using metrics from Audience Insights, you can determine whether your customer file is “super target” or not. However, this method is not as commonly used as other methods like Simple Target, Flex Target, or Lookalike Audience.

Simple Target

Simple Target is one of the simplest and most effective methods, especially when you’re starting to run ads for a new product and don’t have a Lookalike audience to use. This method mainly focuses on targeting a single group of people without needing to narrow or expand further. You only need to identify basic factors such as the age, gender, and location of the audience you want to target.

With Simple Target, the choice of audience is based on the target customers you aim to reach. For example, if you’re advertising men’s fashion, you can target groups like:

  • People interested in fashion
  • Artists
  • Entertainment
  • Music

Some audiences will yield good results, while others may not be as effective. You should perform A/B Testing to compare the effectiveness of different audiences. Continue using and developing the audiences that bring good results, while eliminating the ineffective ones. The key is to focus on content and targeting strategy.

LLA Target

Lookalike Audience (LLA) Target is a highly effective method when you have a certain amount of customer data, usually requiring at least about 500 records. This method helps you expand your target audience by finding new people who have similar characteristics to your existing customers. The process of using Lookalike Audience can be described as follows:

  • Step 1: Start with basic ad campaigns, using the Simple Target method combined with Content Target. This helps you build an initial customer database and gain a better understanding of their needs.
  • Step 2: Once you’ve gathered enough data (at least 500 people), you can switch to using Lookalike Audience combined with Content Target to expand your reach. For example, if you have around 503 people who have messaged your Fanpage to inquire about a product, you can use this group as a basis for Facebook to find others with similar demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps you target ads to those who are likely to be interested in your product, just like your current customers.
  • Step 3: Similarly, if you’ve collected 503 phone numbers from customers who made purchases or 500 email addresses, you can apply the Lookalike Audience method to find new potential customers based on this information.


Retargeting on Facebook works like a funnel, helping you optimize your ad effectiveness by remarketing to users who have previously interacted with you. This method is particularly useful when you already have data from previous ad campaigns, such as sales messages, website traffic, or video views.

  • Step 1: After running ad campaigns and collecting data on your customer file, such as those who have messaged your Fanpage, watched videos, or interacted with content on your Fanpage, you have a target customer database that is aware of your business and interested in your product.
  • Step 2: Retargeting allows you to market again to these audiences using different content or products. This is essentially the core of Custom Target, where you create a custom audience from those who have messaged, watched videos, or interacted with your content. You can then use this audience to run ad campaigns to enhance engagement and drive sales.

Facebook is becoming increasingly intelligent with continuous updates to its algorithms. The database of user behaviors and preferences is becoming more extensive. Therefore, when targeting ads on Facebook, you should not overly focus on just the existing customer files on the platform. Instead, focus on creating images and content that resonate with the customer audience you want to reach.

Please see more:


How to target the construction industry

When targeting ads for the construction industry, you should focus on groups related to this field. Start by targeting construction companies, contractors, and industry professionals such as engineers and architects. Use factors like geographic location, ongoing construction projects, and interests related to construction to create accurate audience segments. Additionally, leverage custom audiences and Lookalike audiences to expand your reach to people with similar characteristics to your current customers. This approach will optimize your ad effectiveness and enhance your ability to connect with potential customers in the construction industry.

How to target high-end customers

To effectively target high-end customers, focus on identifying and reaching audience segments with financial characteristics and interests that align with your product or service. Utilize analytics tools and data to gain insights into their behavior, needs, and shopping habits. Create personalized ad campaigns with high-quality content and visuals, and choose appropriate media channels that high-end customers typically use. Ensure that your messages and offers reflect the value and luxury that this customer group expects.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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