How to change keyword match in Google ads quickly?

Keywords are one of the crucial elements in Google Ads. Keyword match is a method that helps advertisements reach precisely the customers who are interested in a company’s products or services. So, what is keyword match? What types of keyword match are there in Google Ads? How to change the keyword match in Google Ads? Follow this article by Optimal Agency to find out.

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What is keyword match?

Keyword matching refers to the types of keywords used in Google search ads. By using google adwords keyword match types, Google knows how to connect your keywords to the appropriate search queries of users. Thus, the company’s ads can accurately reach the target customer group.

It is one of the most important parts of a Google Ads campaign. The types of keyword match help control the searches that are relevant on the search engine. At the same time, it limits the rate of false clicks by competitors when your ad is triggered to show.

Based on keyword match, you can control the search queries that will display your ad. It also allows tracking the variations of the searched keywords, and the likelihood of your ad being displayed increases if you choose the right type of keyword match.

When you start advertising on Google search, you need to select the type of keyword match. If you know how to change the keyword match in Google Ads, you can choose the type that suits your ad.

The types of keyword matching reflect the relevance between the keywords needed to match and the phrases users search for. Then, your ad will be reviewed to participate in the bidding session. The types of matches significantly affect the performance of the account. You can tightly control the queries when placing bids and optimize your Google Ads campaign effectively.

Types of keyword match in Google Ads

Types of keyword match in Google Ads

Currently, Google Ads offers four types of keyword match:

Broad match

When someone searches for phrases related to your keywords, your ad will be triggered to display. This includes queries using the keyword in any order, misspellings, or even if the search query does not contain the exact keywords, as long as it is contextually related.

The advantage of broad match is that it helps advertisers reach the broadest target audience. It even captures searches that other advertisers may not be bidding on. If an ad uses this type of match, it can attract a significant amount of traffic to the company’s website.

However, when you start deploying a Google Ads campaign, this type of keyword match is not recommended. It is usually used after gaining sufficient experience in deploying Search Ads campaigns and understanding bidding operations in detail. Regular checks on customer search phrases and negating irrelevant queries are advised.

Phrase match

To use this type of match, you need to put quotation marks before and after the phrase. The display of the ad will be limited and will only show when users enter queries that contain the keyword or close variants, including misspellings and synonyms, or contain modifying words before, after, or between the keywords.

With phrase match, the ability to reach target customers is lower than with broad match. However, it ensures that ads are only displayed for queries involving the services or products you offer, thereby avoiding wasting budget on users who accidentally click on the ad.

Furthermore, the traffic to your website will be of higher quality. As the ads are only shown to people genuinely interested in the products or services. Therefore, the likelihood they will stay on the page and make a purchase is higher. This gives Google a positive signal about the ad’s quality, improves your website’s ranking, and reduce advertising costs on Google Ads in bids.

Exact match

If you want tighter control over who can see your ad, switching from phrase match to exact match in Google Ads is a smart choice.

With this option, the ad will only show to users whose search queries exactly match or share the same intent as the targeted keyword. To set up exact match, you simply need to add square brackets before and after the phrase.

Using exact match helps you target your audience more specifically. The ad will only be shown to people searching for or intending to search for the exact phrase targeted. This is the group most interested in your products or services and has a high potential for conversion. This also improves the quality score of your ad by making it more relevant to the target audience.

Negative match

Which is also known as negative keywords, these are used to prevent your ad from appearing when users search for a keyword unrelated to your product, service, or are likely to convert poorly.

If you want to set up negative keywords, access your campaign in the Google Ads account. Then select Negative Keywords, add the negative keywords, and use the pre-set negative keyword list.

How to change keyword match in Google ads?

How to change keyword match in Google ads?

You can change keyword match in Google Ads as follows:

Access your Google Ads account

To change keyword match in Google Ads, first, you access your Google Ads account, then go to the Campaigns tab. Navigate to your campaign and select Keywords. Here, you’ll see a list of the keywords that are running.

If you want to change multiple keywords at once, mark the box next to the keywords you want to change or select the Keywords box to choose all keywords for match type changes. Then, choose the match type to change.

Use Google Ads Editor

For bulk changes, download and install Google Ads Editor on your computer. This method saves time and effort.

Then, log in to your Google Ads account, download your campaign data, and select the campaign you want to edit from the left menu. You can use the search bar to quickly find your campaign.

To edit match types in bulk in Google Ads Editor, select the keywords you want to edit. You can use the filter feature to choose keywords based on different criteria: match type, keyword type, or keyword text.

After selecting the keywords, you can start editing the match type by clicking the Edit button and then selecting Change Match Type. You will see a list of match types to choose from.

Next, select the match type you want to use and click Apply. This will change the match type for all selected keywords. Review the changes to ensure everything is correct.

Once you are sure of the changes, post them to your Google Ads account by clicking the Publish button, applying the changes to the selected campaigns.

By changing the keyword match in Google Ads, you can optimize your ads to enhance campaign performance. Hopefully, this information will help you successfully deploy your Google Ads campaign and achieve the highest effectiveness!

Please refer to:


How to change from broad match keywords to phrase match keywords?

Access your Google Ads account and click on the Campaigns icon. Next, click on Audiences, keywords, and content in the dropdown menu. Then, click on Search keywords.
Select the keyword you want to change, or you can use the checkbox at the top of the table to select all keywords. Click on Edit. Navigate to the option Change match type. When you hover over Change match type, you will see the option to change from broad match modifier keywords.

How to change match types in bulk in Google Ads?

To edit match types in bulk in Google Ads, first, you need to download and install Google Ads Editor on your computer. After completing the download and installation, you can log in to your Google Ads account and download the campaign data.
Next, choose the campaign you want to edit from the left menu. To edit match types in bulk in Google Ads Editor, you need to select the keywords you want to edit. You can use the filter feature to choose keywords based on criteria such as match type, keyword type,…
Then start editing the match type by clicking the Edit button and then select Change match type. You will see a list of match types you can choose from. Select the match type you want to use and click Apply to complete the process.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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