How to do facebook remarketing correctly?

Facebook remarketing is a method that helps you remarket to your customers on this platform. To execute this campaign effectively, you need to understand the nature and process of remarketing on Facebook. Below is useful information about remarketing on Facebook that Optimal Agency has researched and learned. Please refer to the article content!

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A few things about remarketing methods on Facebook

Remarketing is a method of using media platforms such as websites, social networks, and emails to provide content to suggest and remind customers about suddenly canceled operations or orders they have received. forgot to pay. Remarketing is also used to implement strategies to increase sales (up-sell) or cross-sell products (cross-sell) to boost sales revenue. Through reminders and suggestions of additional or related products, businesses can make the most of sales opportunities from customers who have previously interacted with or shopped.

In addition, remarketing is also used to market and care for customers at different times and stages when they use the product. Remarketing helps create personalized marketing messages tailored to each customer’s behavior and preferences, thereby enhancing user experience and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases. This method not only helps businesses maintain relationships with customers but also optimizes the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, ensuring that your messages always reach the right people, at the right time, and for their needs.

When to apply the Facebook remarketing method

According to market surveys, only about 1% of customers make a purchase the first time they encounter a product on Facebook. Most customers need to purchase the next time, such as the 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th time after they are more familiar with the product and brand. With these figures, the marketer’s task becomes clearer than ever: it must appear regularly in the minds of customers. Only when your brand is mentioned often can customers remember you when they need the product or service you provide.

To ensure the effectiveness of your Facebook remarketing campaign, it’s important to set a limit on the number of times each ad appears per user. Too many ads can make customers feel overwhelmed and tired, leading to reduced campaign effectiveness. Normally, it should not exceed 2-3 occurrences per day to avoid disturbing the user. Before implementing a remarketing campaign, you should clearly define the criteria and audience you want to reach. This helps ensure that your campaign will be developed properly and without wasting costs. This way, you can optimize your remarketing campaign, increase your reach, and increase your chances of converting customers back to shopping.

How to do Facebook remarketing

To implement remarketing on Facebook, you can refer to the specific steps Optimal shares as follows:

How to do Facebook remarketing

Step 1: Access the Facebook advertising management page

To start the process of setting up a remarketing campaign on Facebook, you need to access Facebook’s advertising management page, also known as Ads Manager. This is where you will create, manage, and track advertising campaigns on the platform. You can access Ads Manager from many different links on Facebook. First, you can tap “Ads Manager” on the left part of the screen, located under “Explore” in the main menu. Or, you can find it in the upper right corner after clicking the inverted triangle icon. Additionally, after accessing your business page, you can click the “Promote” button to access Ads Manager directly from there. Next in the preparation process, you need to add Facebook Pixel to your website. If this is your first time working with Pixel, Facebook provides detailed instructions so you can set it up and install it easily and accurately.

Step 2: Custom audience settings

Once you’ve completed setting up your Facebook Pixel, you’ll want to set up your custom audience. This is an important step to select and target the right audience you want to reach in your remarketing campaign. In Ads Manager, tap the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and select “Audiences.” Here, you will be able to create a custom audience based on website visits. You will have many options for creating a new custom audience, depending on the specific website you want to target. This could be a product page, a form, a landing page, or any other page on your website. When creating a new custom audience, you need to clearly define the goal of this remarketing campaign and the final action you want customers to take. This helps guide and optimize your campaign for maximum effectiveness.

Once successfully set up, Facebook will begin recording users who have visited your website (matching the custom audience you set up). This process can take 12 to 24 hours depending on your website traffic. By setting up and using custom audiences in your remarketing campaign, you can re-reach users who already know your brand, thereby increasing conversions and optimizing the effectiveness of your advertising campaign on Facebook.

Step 3: Set up an advertising campaign

After completing audience setup in step 2, you need to create a campaign to start a remarketing campaign on Facebook. In the campaigns section of Ads Manager, you will click “Create Campaign”. For remarketing goals, you should select “Send people to your website”. Once you’ve selected this objective, you’ll be taken to the Ad Set creation page. Here, you continue to choose the detailed information you want to optimize in this campaign such as audience, ad placement, and budget allocated to the campaign.

From here, you can re-select the audience you set up in step 2. To optimize the campaign, you need to consider and select several accompanying factors such as geographical location, age, and gender. , language, and preferences of the target audience. It’s important to ensure your audience is easy to target and matches your customer personas. To be more detailed, focus on clearly defining your target customers or those who have purchased the product before to limit those who are not suitable. This helps you optimize your remarketing campaign and not waste your budget on audiences who aren’t interested.

Step 4: Create ads

In this final step, you will proceed to create ads, this is the most interesting step and also the core to attract the attention of target customers. In the ads section, you can edit the options you have previously set. Create ads with attractive images and clear messages. Advertising images should be simple and attractive, with strong and natural text. This helps your ad stand out and increases its chances of attracting attention when it appears on users’ newsfeeds.

To ensure your campaign’s effectiveness, test and use different types of ads with images, titles, and descriptions to see which one resonates best with your audience.

Tip: When running a remarketing campaign for the first time, you should set a budget that matches your company’s financial capabilities. The first campaign may not be perfect, but it is an opportunity to learn and improve campaigns and advertising for the next time. Continuing to optimize and improve your campaigns will help you gradually achieve better results and bring leads into your marketing funnel more effectively.

In the article on Optimal Agency, we have listed the detailed content in the most accurate way for you. We hope that the information we have shared can help everyone learn about marketing remarketing in Facebook advertising and apply methods to perform remarketing on Facebook successfully. We also have a lot of other useful information like how to target crypto on Facebook ads.

Please see more:

Frequently asked questions

Marketing on Facebook through Fanpage and Group

Marketing on Facebook through Fanpage and Groups is one of the important strategies for businesses to reach and interact directly with potential customers. Fanpage is where brands can build and manage their brands, and share content, products, and services with a large number of users. In addition, Fanpage also provides advertising analysis and management tools to help businesses measure the effectiveness and optimize advertising campaigns.
A group on Facebook is a place that gathers members with similar interests, needs, or purposes. This is an ideal platform for businesses to create communities, and discuss and share information about products and services. Marketing through Group helps businesses build close relationships with customers, increase interaction, and meet user needs quickly.
Overall, using Fanpage and Group effectively helps businesses expand their customer reach, build a strong brand, and maximize the effectiveness of marketing campaigns on the world’s largest social networking platform today.

Remarketing software

Remarketing software is an important tool in online marketing strategies that helps businesses reuse customer traffic that has interacted with their website or application. Through data collection from sources like the Facebook Pixel, remarketing software allows you to create lists of potential customers and increase engagement through personalized advertising campaigns. This helps improve marketing efficiency, increase conversion rates, and increase the average value per customer.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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