Do you know how to multiply Facebook ad groups?

Currently, duplicating Facebook Fanpage advertising groups is becoming one of the most potential methods of advertising on this platform. Many individuals and businesses are effectively exploiting this aspect. How to optimize Facebook advertising group duplication most effectively? Let’s follow the article below by Optimal Agency to learn more!

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A few things about multiply Facebook ad groups

A few things about multiply Facebook ad groups

Multiplying Facebook ad groups is the process of copying one or more advertising groups from the original advertising group, to help you perform advertising operations more quickly and effectively. When you duplicate an advertising group, the new ads can be identical to the original completely or adjusted with one or more different factors. These factors can include advertising content, budget, target audience, ad placement, and many factors.

In the past, the process of duplicating advertising groups on Facebook was relatively simple and easy to do. However, in recent years, Facebook’s tightening of management of advertising accounts in Vietnam has made the process of duplicating ad groups more complicated. Specifically, Facebook has increased checks on new advertising accounts and regularly reviews actions that duplicate ad groups too much. This is because Facebook has noticed an increase in abnormal activity, including out-of-stock issues and network problems.

As a result, excessive duplication of ad groups can lead to your ad account being locked. This is not an isolated problem that you have encountered; many other users have encountered the same situation. Therefore, you need to be prepared for this when running advertising campaigns on Facebook. Whether you comply with Facebook’s policies or not, account suspension or inactivity can still occur.

When is it necessary to multiply Facebook ad groups?

Facebook ad group replication is an important technique for optimizing ad performance, but it needs to be done at the right time and based on specific performance metrics. To effectively perform ad group replication, you need to confirm that your current ad group has achieved the desired performance over a long enough period. Important metrics to pay attention to include cost per message, cost per conversion, cost per purchase, and cost per lead. If these metrics show that your ad group is performing well and meeting your goals, you can proceed to replicate your ad group to scale your campaign and increase your budget. Ad group replication allows you to create multiple similar ad groups to test and expand your reach, thereby increasing your ability to achieve better advertising results.

However, you should note that interfering with advertising campaigns that are performing well is not an effective approach. Instead, you should focus on creating new ad sets and increasing the budget for these ad sets. This helps you take advantage of the current performance of your ad sets without disrupting Facebook’s machine-learning process. At the same time, you should also limit the multiplication of ad sets to avoid overlapping and uneven budget distribution. A smart approach is to combine different budgeting methods to expand your reach and attract new customers. This way, you can optimize your ad budget while maintaining the effectiveness and sustainability of your Facebook advertising campaign.

How to multiply Facebook ad groups effectively

The technique of multiplying groups and optimizing budgets for Facebook ads is an important process to optimize the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Here is a detailed guide on how to do it:

How to multiply Facebook ad groups effectively

Step 1: Set up an ad set

First, you need to start by creating an advertising campaign on Facebook. In this campaign, you will create an ad group. This is a basic and necessary step to structure your campaign, making it easy to manage and track the performance of your ads.

Step 2: Duplicate ad groups

After creating the initial ad group, the next step is to duplicate this ad group into 10 to 20 different groups. Although the ad group may be under review or approved, you do not need to worry too much about changing factors such as targeting interests, age, and province because it can cause competition between groups. The main goal is to create multiple ad groups to test and determine which group performs best.

Note that for large target files (hundreds of thousands or millions of people), you can clone more than 20 groups without any problems. However, for small target files (around 10,000 people), cloning too many groups can make it difficult for Facebook’s machine-learning process and lead to ads not being delivered for a long time.

Step 3: Wait for approval from Facebook

After you have cloned your ad groups, you need to wait for them to be approved by Facebook. When your ad group has a status of “Live”, it means that Facebook has started testing your ads. During this period, Facebook will track user interactions with your ads, including likes, shares, comments, views, view time, and clicks.

If there are at least 50 interactions in the first 500 exposures, Facebook will see that users are interested in the ad and will continue to distribute it to similar people. The most important interaction that Facebook pays attention to is comments.

Step 4: Evaluate and re-test cloned groups

After your ad set has passed the first 500 exposures, you need to check your cloned groups to determine which groups have passed this stage without comments or positive interactions. These groups can be removed because they are not performing as expected. Groups that have not passed this stage should be kept for further observation and evaluation.

Step 5: Select the best ad groups

Ad groups that have passed the machine learning stage and have positive interactions, especially comments, are the ones you should keep. However, it is important to note that reaching users after the 500 exposures does not guarantee immediate orders. Therefore, you should be patient and let the ad run for at least another week to ensure stability and effectiveness.

Step 6: Focus on optimizing the budget

When you increase the budget for the ad group, Facebook will start the machine learning process from the beginning. Therefore, you should not interfere with the ad groups that are performing well. Budget optimization needs to be done carefully so as not to interrupt the machine learning process and ensure that your ads continue to perform effectively.

By following these steps correctly, you can optimize the effectiveness of your Facebook ad campaigns, saving costs and increasing conversions.

Some things to be careful about when multiply Facebook ad groups

When multiplying Facebook ad groups, there are some important notes to optimize the effectiveness of the ad campaign. First, before hitting the publish button, be sure to consider your content and target audience. Make sure your ad copy is relevant to the audience you want to reach to maximize your ad performance. Identifying the right audience and creating compelling copy is key to getting the best results from your ad campaign.

When you duplicate an ad set, you can duplicate one ad set into 10 to 20 different sets. Once you have created these sets, track their reach closely. In particular, focus on tracking engagement for the first 500 or so impressions, or at least the first 50 interactions. This will help you gauge how engaging your ads are and determine which ad sets are performing well. If any of your sets are not getting the engagement you need, you can turn them off without too much worry, which will save you budget and allow you to focus on the better-performing ad sets.

Once you have identified your effective ad sets, let them run without making any further adjustments. This is an important time for the campaign to develop and bring positive results. However, it is important to note that the same ad content should not be run for too long. If you find that the repetition frequency is too high or the order cost is too high, consider changing the ad content or creating new ads. This helps maintain good performance and ensures that your advertising campaign does not lose effectiveness over time.

The above content is useful information on how to multiply Facebook ad groups effectively that Optimal Agency has compiled and wants to share with you. Hopefully, through this article, you will accumulate more knowledge and be able to optimize your advertising campaign on social networks more effectively. On our website there is also a lot of other useful information such as the time zone to run Facebook ads. Find out today!

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Frequently asked questions

How to increase your Facebook ads budget

To effectively increase your Facebook ad budget, you need to take a few important steps. First, identify ad groups that are performing well and have high conversion rates. Next, increase the budget for these ad groups to expand their reach and attract more potential customers. Be sure to closely monitor performance metrics after increasing your budget, such as cost per action and engagement rate, to ensure that the increase is having a positive effect. At the same time, avoid over-interfering with campaigns that are performing well and combine it with testing new ad groups to maintain optimal performance.

Should you multiply a campaign or an ad set?

When deciding whether to duplicate a Facebook campaign or an ad set, it is important to consider your specific goals. Duplicating a campaign is often useful when you want to replicate a successful campaign with multiple ad groups, testing different variations within the same campaign. Duplicating an ad group, on the other hand, is appropriate when you only need to adjust specific elements like the target audience or budget, without changing the entire structure of the campaign. This decision depends on whether you want to maintain consistency across the entire campaign or focus on optimizing individual ad groups.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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