How to prevent page from having ads restricted with 100% success

A Fanpage having ads restricted significantly impact a business’s activities on Facebook. So, what are the causes of this issue and how to prevent page from having ads restricted? Follow the article below from Optimal Agency now!

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What is a Page having ads restricted?

These are fanpages that violate Facebook’s policies or standards, or they might be mistakenly flagged by AI algorithms during ad campaigns, resulting in restricted ads capabilities. If the fanpage is not appealed and restored, it means the advertising restriction is permanent, and you can no longer run ads.

It’s easy for page administrators to check if a fanpage is restricted from advertising. You just need to go to the page management tool to see if your page’s ads capabilities are disabled. Additionally, you can follow this article to check if your page is restricted from advertising.

How to check if the page has ads restricted?

To check if your page is restricted from advertising, follow these methods:

How to check if the page has ads restricted?

Check on the Fanpage

To check if your fanpage is ads restricted, log in to your Facebook profile. On the Facebook homepage, click on “Pages” on the left side. This will display all the fanpages you own. Next, select the fanpage you want to check. Then, click on “Ads” at the bottom left of the fanpage management page.

If the ad button is grey, it means the fanpage’s ads account is restricted, and you cannot run ads for this page. When clicking on the ad button will show the message: “Page Not Allowed to Advertise. You can’t create ads or promote your Page because it’s restricted from advertising.” This means you cannot create ads on your fanpage.

If the ad button on your fanpage is green, it means the fanpage’s ads account is functioning normally, and you can run ads on the fanpage as usual.

Evaluating account quality

Besides, you can monitor your fanpage’s advertising status by checking the quality of the fanpage’s ads account. To check the ads account quality, access this link:

Here, on the account quality interface, select “Account Issues” to check any violations. If your ads account has no violations, you can freely use it for running fanpage ads.

Viewing directly from the active ads account

If your ads account is active, you can directly view the ads and identify any rejected ads. When you access the advertising account and see the message: “You cannot create ads on this page because it has been disabled,” it means your fanpage is banned from advertising.

Causes of ads restrictions on Fanpages

The reasons why a fanpage might be restricted from advertising are:

  • Violation of Facebook’s advertising policies: If your fanpage violates Facebook’s advertising policies or community standards, including using provocative content or violating age regulations, it may be restricted from advertising.
  • Destination page violations: If the destination page linked by the ad violates Facebook’s policies, the fanpage can be restricted from advertising.
  • Using new, unverified, or suspicious profile for running ads.
  • Running ads on newly created fanpages with little or no interaction can lead to restrictions.
  • Non-compliance with advertising policies: Non-compliance with Facebook’s advertising policies, such as not updating account information or unsuccessful payments, can lead to advertising restrictions on the fanpage.
  • User complaints: If users report the ad content as spam or unreliable, the fanpage can be restricted from advertising until the issue is resolved. Too many user complaints can blacklist the fanpage from advertising on Facebook.
  • History of violations: Previous warnings or multiple violations during past ad campaigns can result in Facebook marking your behavior as negative and restricting your ads.
  • Facebook scans: Various reasons can arise from Facebook’s wide-scale scanning and account locking campaigns.

How to prevent page from having ads restricted?

In addition, you can follow these solutions to prevent page from having ads restricted:

How to prevent page from having ads restricted?

Submit an appeal to Facebook

To submit an appeal to Facebook, follow these steps:

Firstly, use a “clean” Facebook account to appeal, meaning an account that has never run ads or been restricted before. Next, add this account as an admin of the fanpage and remove all other accounts’ permissions from the fanpage, leaving only this account to use for the appeal.

Further, to increase the chances of success, post regularly on the fanpage for about 5-7 days.

Then, access the Account Quality section to request a review of the ads. Afterward, navigate to the Recommendations folder and click on “Request Review of Facebook’s Decision.”

Now, enter your appeal request details, providing comprehensive information about the situation of the advertising-restricted fanpage. This content should be transparent, clear, and highly persuasive.

After submitting the appeal, wait patiently and do not send multiple review requests. Facebook will review the appeal within 7-10 days and make a decision. Also, regularly check your email for the latest updates from Facebook.

How to appeal a permanent ads restricted Fanpage?

If you have followed the appeal process but Facebook still decides to permanently disable the fanpage’s advertising function, you can take the following steps:

First, log in to your Facebook account and access the advertising-restricted fanpage. Click on the “Help & Support” button at the top right of the fanpage. Next, select “Report a problem with ads.” Then, choose “I have an issue with advertising on Facebook.”

Now, enter your appeal request details in the message box and provide complete information, including why you believe your fanpage does not violate Facebook’s advertising policies. Afterward, click “Submit” to send the review request.

This appeal process can take time and does not guarantee that the advertising function of the fanpage will be restored.

Contact Facebook Support

If you are new to running ads and lack experience in handling advertising-restricted pages, the best way to appeal is to contact Facebook Support.

To contact Facebook Support, access this link: After entering the support page, scroll down and click “Get Started” to chat and directly exchange with the support team for necessary assistance in the appeal process.

Create a New Fanpage

If the appeal to Facebook fails, consider creating a new fanpage and starting from scratch. To run ads effectively on a new fanpage, be more cautious and avoid repeating past mistakes.

To avoid interruptions in advertising, create 1-2 backup fanpages to have enough time for growth and avoid difficulties in running ads. Moreover, when using a new fanpage, try not to violate Facebook’s policies, please avoid words that violate Facebook policies.

Rent or buy a Fanpage

Instead of creating and developing a fanpage yourself, which takes time and effort, you can consider renting or buying high-interaction fanpages to easily promote your products and services.

Many service providers are offering fanpage rental and sales on the market. However, thoroughly research to choose a reputable provider that offers quality pages. This ensures safety and effectiveness for your advertising campaigns.

Through the above article, you now know how to prevent page from having ads restricted. Hopefully, this information will help you restore the advertising function of your fanpage and effectively implement Facebook Ads campaigns for the best results!

You may want to know:


How long does Facebook restrict a page?

The duration of Facebook’s temporary block depends on the severity of the violation and the user’s history on Facebook. Therefore, an advertising-restricted fanpage can last at least a few hours but can extend up to 30 days.

Can you appeal a permanently advertising-restricted fanpage

If a fanpage is permanently restricted from advertising after an appeal, and Facebook does not review and unblock it, the fanpage is permanently banned from advertising. A permanently banned fanpage will usually display a notice on the page about the permanent restriction. While you can apply the appeal methods shared in the article, the likelihood of recovery is very low. Therefore, consider creating a new fanpage or renting or buying another fanpage.

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