How to run Performance Max Google Ads correctly

Since its launch, Performance Max has completely replaced Smart Shopping for businesses, while also raising many questions about the nature of this campaign, how to implement it, and the benefits it brings to advertisers. Although Performance Max helps optimize advertising efficiency, understanding the detailed process of creating a campaign is crucial. In the article below, Optimal Agency will guide you on how to run Performance Max Google Ads.

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About Performance Max Google Ads

Performance Max is Google’s latest advertising format, introduced in October 2020. It is an advanced multi-channel ad type that allows users to run ads across various platforms such as Google Search, YouTube Ads, Google Display Network, Gmail, and Google Discovery. The standout feature of Performance Max is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology to optimize ad campaigns, making advertising easier and more effective than ever. With Google Ads Performance Max, you only need to create a single ad campaign and choose the goals you want to achieve, such as increasing website traffic, boosting online sales, or increasing app downloads. Once you set the goal, Google will automatically optimize and distribute the ads across the most suitable platforms to ensure that your ads reach the right target audience.

One of the strengths of Performance Max is its ability to provide detailed insights into the performance of each ad. This allows users to easily monitor, adjust, and optimize their campaign in real-time, based on the data and analytics provided by Google. This capability not only saves time but also enhances the effectiveness of the campaign, ensuring that the advertising budget is used most optimally. Performance Max also offers flexibility to users by allowing them to utilize various ad formats, including image ads, video ads, search ads, and ads on other platforms. This diversity helps make your ad campaign more dynamic and reach a broader range of potential customers, thereby increasing marketing effectiveness and maximizing conversion rates.

Performance Max not only simplifies the advertising process but also helps advertisers reach the right target audience across multiple platforms, effectively optimize campaigns, and deliver impressive results.

About Performance Max Google Ads

Google standards for running Performance Max

Google’s Performance Max campaign requires certain minimum elements to be successfully implemented. These elements can be resources from other campaigns or new resources created specifically for this campaign. Below are the detailed requirements for text, images, videos, call-to-action (CTA), and media bundles.

Text requirements


  • Maximum character count: 30 characters.
  • Minimum requirement: At least one headline must be 15 characters or less.
  • Number limit: 3 to 5 headlines.

Long headlines

  • Maximum character count: 90 characters.
  • Number limit: 1 to 5 long headlines.


  • Maximum character count: 90 characters.
  • Minimum requirement: At least one description must be 60 characters or less.
  • Number limit: 2 to 5 descriptions.

Business name

  • Maximum character count: 25 characters.
  • Number limit: 1 business name.

Image requirements

Landscape marketing images

  • Aspect ratio: 1.91:1.
  • Recommended size: 1200 x 628 pixels.
  • Minimum size: 600 x 316 pixels.
  • Maximum file size: 5120 KB.
  • Number limit: 3 to 20 images.

Square marketing images

  • Aspect ratio: 1:1.
  • Recommended size: 1200 x 1200 pixels.
  • Minimum size: 300 x 300 pixels.
  • Maximum file size: 5120 KB.
  • Number limit: 1 to 20 images.

Portrait marketing images

  • Aspect ratio: 4:5.
  • Recommended size: 960 x 1200 pixels.
  • Minimum size: 480 x 600 pixels.
  • Number limit: Up to 20 images.


  • Aspect ratio: 1:1.
  • Recommended size: 1200 x 1200 pixels.
  • Minimum size: 128 x 128 pixels.
  • Maximum file size: 5120 KB.
  • Number limit: 1 to 5 logos.

Landscape logo

  • Aspect ratio: 4:1.
  • Recommended size: 1200 x 300 pixels.
  • Minimum size: 512 x 128 pixels.
  • Maximum file size: 5120 KB.
  • Number limit: Up to 5 logos.

YouTube requirements

  • Format: Landscape, portrait, or square.
  • Duration: At least 10 seconds.
  • Number limit: Up to 5 videos.

Call-to-Action (CTA) requirements

  • Option: The system will automatically select or you can choose from a list of options.
  • Number limit: Up to 1 CTA.

Media bundle requirements

  • Size: Under 150 KB.
  • Number limit: Up to 1 bundle.

Note on repeated content

If you have repeated content (such as headlines or descriptions), this content should be created as a separate requirement before you start creating the campaign. This ensures that your campaign complies with regulations and has a higher chance of being approved on the first attempt.

How to run Performance Max Google Ads?

To run a Performance Max campaign on Google Ads, follow these steps:

How to run Performance Max Google Ads?

Step 1: Define your campaign goal

Log in to your Google Ads account. Next, select “Create a new campaign.” Instead of choosing a recommended goal, select the option “Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance” to have full control over your campaign. Then, choose “Performance Max” and click “Next.” Here, you need to select the “conversions” you want the campaign to focus on, and then name your campaign for easy management and tracking later.

Step 2: Set up bidding

In the bidding section, Google Ads provides two options:

  • Conversions: Focus on the actions you want customers to take, such as purchases, form submissions, or sign-ups.
  • Conversion Value: Focus on the economic value of the actions customers take, such as the total revenue from purchases.

Typically, it’s recommended to choose Conversions and set a target CPA (cost per conversion). If you don’t have a specific CPA or ROAS in mind, you can leave it blank. After completing this step, click “Next” to proceed.

Step 3: Set language and ad location

At this step, pay attention to two important settings:

  • Location: Choose the geographical area you want your ads to reach, such as a country, region, or even a specific city.
  • Language: Select the language your target customers use. To ensure your campaign reaches a diverse audience, you may choose “All languages.”

After completing these settings, save and click “Next.”

Step 4: Configure key components

This is a crucial step where you create the ad content that will be displayed to customers. Google performance max campaigns will appear on multiple platforms, so you need to prepare sufficient content to optimize for each platform.

  • Final URL: This is the link customers will visit when they click on your ad.
  • Call: Your contact phone number, which should be displayed on your website.
  • Images: Images that will be shown in the ads.
  • Logo: The logo of your website or brand.
  • Video: If available, you can attach a video link from YouTube, though having a YouTube channel is not mandatory.
  • Business Name: Your business name. Note that this part may be rejected, and if so, copy the ad and try submitting it again.
  • Headlines and Descriptions: Write headlines and descriptions relevant to the product or service you are advertising.

Importantly, don’t forget to create audience signals so that your ads reach the right potential customers. Some audiences you might consider include:

  • Customers who have searched for keywords related to your product or service.
  • Customers who have visited your website.
  • Demographics: Age and gender appropriate for your product or service.

Once setup is complete, click “Save.”

Step 5: Set the budget

This is the amount of money you plan to spend daily on your ad campaign. Initially, it’s advisable to set a low budget, around 30-40% of your expected budget. Then, as the campaign runs, you can gradually increase the budget to optimize effectiveness.

Budget note: According to Google’s policy, “Your monthly spend will not exceed your monthly budget (monthly budget = daily budget x the average number of days in a month). Your spending may be lower than your daily budget on some days and can be up to twice as high on other days.”

This article has guided you on how to run Performance Max Google Ads. Applying Performance Max can help your business effectively reach and engage with potential customers across various advertising platforms. To achieve optimal results, you need to define your business goals, choose the right target audience, create compelling ad content, continuously optimize your campaign, and monitor ad performance to make timely adjustments. By following these steps, you’ll have the opportunity to create a successful Performance Max campaign and achieve your desired results.

Please see more:


What is the PMAX app?

The PMAX App is an online advertising tool developed by Google that allows businesses to run ad campaigns across multiple platforms with a single campaign. Designed to optimize ad performance, the PMAX App uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to automatically distribute ads across Google Search, YouTube, Google Display Network, Gmail, and Google Discovery. This helps businesses reach potential customers across various channels effectively, without needing to manage each platform individually. The PMAX App not only simplifies the advertising process but also optimizes campaign results by using data and algorithms to enhance ad visibility and interaction with customers.

Important notes when running a Performance Max campaign

When running a Performance Max campaign, there are several important points to keep in mind to ensure the campaign works most effectively. First, clearly defining your advertising goals is crucial; you need to know exactly what you want to achieve from the campaign, such as increasing sales, raising brand awareness, or attracting new customers. Second, make sure you have selected and segmented the appropriate target audience so that the ads can reach the right people.
Additionally, creating attractive and high-quality ad content is necessary to capture attention and encourage user action. Don’t forget to regularly monitor and analyze the campaign’s performance to make timely adjustments and optimize elements such as budget, bids, and ad content. Finally, make the most of Google Ads’ reporting and analytics tools to clearly understand performance metrics and smartly adjust the campaign to achieve the best results from your Performance Max campaign.

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