If you are doing online business on Facebook and need a quality customer data file to serve your advertising and sales, learn how to scan Facebook UID. If you know how to exploit Facebook UID, businesses can reach and connect with quality target customers, promoting maximum sales. How to scan Facebook UID to serve online business activities? In this article, Optimal Agency will provide useful information on this issue. Follow now!
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What is Facebook UID?

Abbreviation for User Identification Facebook is a series of 15 or 16 characters used by Facebook to identify and manage user activities through accounts on this platform. Each account created on Facebook has a separate, non-duplicated, and unique UID. Similar to a citizen identification card, the UID on a Facebook account is the basis for distinguishing and verifying the basic information of an account.
Each image, post, Fanpage, or Group on Facebook is identified by a specific and unique UID. When using Facebook, you will encounter types of IDs such as UID (Facebook ID), Photo ID, Video ID/Status ID, Page or Group ID, etc. These IDs help users identify and manage content, Fanpages, or Groups on Facebook effectively.
This series of identification numbers is widely used in advertising and marketing to find potential customer files on Facebook. Advertisers will then use this data file to target ads. Thereby ensuring that ads are displayed to the right audience, helping to increase conversion rates and optimize costs.
Why do you need to get a Facebook UID?
By scanning Facebook uid, businesses can exploit target customer files to serve business activities and run ads:
Support searching and extracting Email/Phone number
Through UID, you can find the phone number or email that the Facebook account used to register to open a Facebook account. The search can use manual operations and perform specialized tools to convert UID to Email or phone number.
Based on the obtained data, you can use that file to run ads. The method of running ads using Facebook UID will be much more effective than running ads using Audience Insights. However, this form of advertising is limited, so many advertisers tend to extract Email, and phone numbers from Facebook UID to be able to target more accurately.
Research target customers
From information about Facebook UID, you can determine other information: customer relationships, interests, behaviors, images, videos, or posts they interact with. Or the keywords they search on the Graph Search tool from Facebook. Find potential customers through Fanpages and groups, … This information is important to help online businesses understand their customers better.
Based on this data, you can determine whether they are potential customers to find the right approach and advertising. Through user interactions, you can find new potential customers from competitors.
Connect with potential customers
Fanpage is not the only means to reach target customers. You can use your personal Facebook account to sell. Based on the identified Facebook UID information, you can make friends with potential customers. Just become friends with these customers, posts introducing products and services will reach them. Then your products will reach many target customers. At a certain point, customers will decide to buy and you can increase sales revenue.
Effective advertising target
Facebook UID supports your advertising campaign to target the target customers accurately. Since 2015, Facebook has banned the abuse of UID to run ads. However, UID still plays a role in helping you research the interests and behaviors of target customers. You can convert UID to a phone number or email to serve the purpose of contacting customer care and advertising support. Then you will save costs when setting up ads to target groups.
Support closing orders quickly
With the development of data, there are many tools with the ability to check Facebook UID and convert it to a phone number or email. Then the sales team can contact and provide product and service information and incentives. This not only saves time but also does not miss potential customers and increases the closing rate.
Readers, please refer to the following article: how to run ads using phone number files.
Instructions on how to scan Facebook UID in detailed

How to get Facebook UID manually
Facebook personal account UID
To get the UID of a personal Facebook account, you can do it on your computer or phone as follows:
On your phone, access the Facebook application and log in to your account. Next, access the personal Facebook page you want to find the UID. On the personal page, click on the 3 dots in the right corner of the account name, then copy the link to the personal page. Then paste the link you just got into the address bar on the browser. The number after the “=” sign is the result after you find the Facebook UID.
On a computer with an account that has not changed the link to the personal page, access the personal Facebook profile you want to get, right-click on the profile photo, and select Copy link address. Next, copy the link address from the right-click menu bar to the clipboard. Then paste the URL of the photo into Notepad and the link will appear. The string of bold numbers is the ID of the Group you need to get the Facebook ID.
For Facebook accounts that have edited the link to access the personal page, you access Facebook, log in to your account, and search for the personal page you need to get the UID. On the personal Facebook page of the person you need to get the UID from, press the key combination “Ctrl + U” or right-click and select “View page source”. The system will take you to the code page. Here, press “Ctrl + F” and search for “profile.php?id=”. The number displayed after the phrase “profile.php?id=” is the Facebook UID.
Facebook Group Account UID
As for how to get the Facebook Group UID, you do the same as how to get the UID of a personal Facebook account. Access any Facebook Group that you want to get the UID from, right-click on the profile picture and select Copy link address. Copy the link address from the right-click menu bar to the clipboard. Paste the image URL into Notepad and you will see the link appear, then the string of bold numbers is the ID of the person you need to get the Facebook ID.
Facebook Fanpage account UID
With this method of getting UID, you need to make sure you are the administrator of the Fanpage to be able to do it. Access any Fanpage that you want to get the UID for, then click on the Introduction section. In the Introduction section interface, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the Facebook Page ID you need to find.
Facebook Post UID
If you want to get the UID of a Facebook post, select the post you want to get the UID for and click on the posting date of that post. After clicking on the post you want to get the ID for, you will see the post link appear. The UID of that post will be the last number of the Link.
Using Facebook UID scanning software
In addition to manually getting Facebook UID, you can use support tools: lookup-id.com, and Fbnumber, … Each software will have a different way of using to get Facebook UID:
Copy the link to the Facebook personal page that needs to get the UID. Then paste the link into the page https://lookup-id.com/ and click the Lookup button. At this time, you will receive a series of numbers that appear, which is the Facebook UID you are looking for.
This is a completely free Facebook UID scanning tool with no limit on the number of UIDs searched per day. With simple operations, you need to copy the URL of the personal page you need to get into the software and you’re done. This is a safe uid search tool, collecting this information does not affect anyone on Facebook. How to do it is as follows:
Copy the link of the Facebook page you want to get the UID from, then visit the website https://fbnumber.com. On the Fbnumber page, paste the FB link you just copied into the search box and click the Find UID button. Then the person’s personal Facebook UID will be displayed, you need to click on the Copy icon to use that UID.
Knowing how to scan Facebook uid quickly and accurately will help you get customer data files to run advertising successfully and sales campaigns. Through the information we have shared above, you can apply it to your business to achieve the best results.
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Frequently asked questions
UID is understood as a unique identifier for each user account on Facebook. Many people wonder if they can find the user’s phone number from this code. The answer is that it is possible to scan phone numbers from Facebook UID easily with the support of tools. Thereby, you will have useful information to serve advertising, customer care, marketing, …
Currently, many units provide tools with Facebook UID scanning functions to support marketers in implementing advertising campaigns. However, not all software is good, so you need to choose carefully. In particular, you should carefully research the software provider to choose quality software to use to get Facebook UID.