The most accurate how to SEO images to the top of Google in 2024

Images are an important part of the content of an article. Optimizing SEO is a factor that cannot be ignored as it helps improve the ranking of the article on search engines. In today’s article, Optimal Agency will guide you on how to SEO images to the top of Google.

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About SEO image on Google

SEO image includes optimizing the content, quality, size, and capacity of images, as well as providing relevant image information on the website. The goal of SEO image is to improve content quality for users and increase the website’s ranking on search engine result pages (SERP). Understanding the concept is just the first step; we need to grasp its goals and benefits. The purpose of optimizing images are:

  • Optimizing user experience: Attractive images make the content more vivid, creating a special experience for users, which is also the most important goal.
  • Helping Google understand and evaluate content: By optimizing images, we provide useful information to Google to better understand our content, thereby improving the website’s position on Google’s search result pages (SERP).

How to SEO images to the top of Google?

To SEO images to the top of Google, you can follow these steps:

How to SEO images to the top of Google?

Use highlighted images to increase ranking and CTR

Nowadays, just by performing a few simple searches with target keywords on Google, you will receive a large number of relevant images. However, if your website uses generic images like these, you are pushing your EAT ranking down. And not only that… By using the same set of images as hundreds of other websites, you are competing with all those websites in Google’s image search results.

Why do you need to optimize image CTR?

Due to changes in Google’s algorithm, images with higher interaction (number of scrolls and clicks) will be prioritized in the rankings. Meanwhile, images with low interaction will be pushed back. In other words: To rank high in Google’s Image search – Your images need to be OUTSTANDING! The key to creating “outstanding” images that attract attention and more clicks is: Identify images that are already ranking high, then create a completely different product. The process includes three simple steps:

  • Check the search results for the target keyword.
  • Note down all the important information.
  • Do the opposite.

Use Google’s image SEO tool to find optimal keywords for images

The most important note is: To remember to research Image Keywords. However, most people skip this step. This is a big mistake. Why keywords in the Image SEO process is important? Look at the following statistics: Google Images account for 21% of the total search volume, not only on Google but on the entire World Wide Web. Finding keywords using Google’s image optimization tool means that if you are proficient in identifying search terms for images, you will benefit greatly from the search engine’s traffic and surpass important competitors. Common mistakes when choosing image optimization keywords include:

  • Spending hours searching for keywords for a page or post.
  • Taking 30 seconds to choose random keywords from the list (ignoring image search statistics) before adding them to the ALT tag.
  • Waiting, hoping these keywords will receive searches in Google Images and bring a small amount of traffic from image search.

These are the steps you might take if you forget the keyword research process or do nothing Therefore, you should think differently about choosing keywords for image SEO. Instead of just selecting main keywords… You will treat the image as independent content with the target search phrase. Next, we will explore how to choose image SEO keywords quickly and accurately. Note: The following information will be very important and contain a lot of details. The most accurate choosing optimized keywords is to to use keyword researching tools. In particular, we advise that you should use Ahrefs.

Optimize image size

The page you are viewing has a content area width of 640px, which means the largest image that can be displayed has a maximum width of 640 pixels. Uploading an image wider than that is a waste. Moreover, larger images will increase the page size and slow down the website’s loading speed. Besides uploading larger images, my CMS also needs to format and edit images to fit the page size. Therefore, instead of just uploading images, let the website’s CMS handle the formatting before uploading. There are many useful tools available to edit images outside of WordPress. Here are some suggestions:

  • Pixlr: A free online tool that works well for small formats.
  • Preview: Standard on Mac with all the necessary tools for basic image editing.
  • ImageOptim: A free tool for Mac with a “save for web” feature.
  • RIOT: A free image optimizer for Windows.
  • Photoshop: My choice because the “save for web” option keeps file sizes low while maintaining quality.

Each tool allows you to edit the image size to the desired pixels without significantly reducing image quality.

Correctly identify the image file type

Most people often choose the wrong file extension, leading to poor quality or large file sizes, and sometimes both happen simultaneously. However, you don’t need to worry about this… Because you can make the right decision about the image file type. Specific image file types are:

  • GIF – Suitable for short animations. Also good for flat images without gradients. However, not recommended for small images, screenshots, or gradients like browser bars.
  • PNG – Suitable for app screenshots and gradients. Keeps text looking clean, but can produce large files.
  • JPEG – Good for photos of people, places, or items. Not suitable for app and website screenshots or text.

Once you have chosen the appropriate file type for the image, just open it in the editing software, click export, and save it.

Optimize image loading speed by reducing file size

The final step before uploading an image is to reduce the file size – the lighter, the better. Lighter images will help the website load faster, and a faster-loading website will help improve the website’s ranking on search engines. To reduce the image file size, you need to compress the image file. This involves removing all unnecessary parts from the file while ensuring optimal image quality. To perform image compression, here are some tools you can use:

  • ImageOptim: This is recommended by Google.
  • JPEG Optimizer
  • Optimizilla
  • Compressnow
  • Trimage

Among these tools, we recommend using ImageOptim. ImageOptim is highly rated when compressing both JPEG and PNG files compared to other tools.

Optimize image ALT Tag

What is ALT text: ALT text of an image, also known as “ALT tag,” “ALT description,” and “ALT attribute”. It is the alternative text displayed when the image cannot be loaded on the screen. When Google’s robot “looks” at an image, it usually only sees the file name. By adding alternative text to the code, you provide more information to the search engine to understand the content of the image. Below is how ALT text displays in HTML code. Here are the best practices for writing ALT text for images:

  • Start by asking: What information would be useful for those who cannot view the image?
  • With the answer, finish this sentence: “This is a(n) image, screenshot, photo, or drawing of __.”
  • Remove all conjunctions from the resulting sentence and use the final part as the ALT text.
  • Ensure the description is specific.

For example: ALT text of the image: “This is an example image.”

Through the article, Optimal Agency hopes that it can help everyone understand image SEO on Google and successfully implement the processes to SEO images to the top.

Please see more:


Blurry images when uploading to a website

When uploading images to a website and they appear blurry, it can reduce the user experience and affect your brand image. The main cause may be due to improper image size or inadequate image quality. To fix this issue, you need to ensure that the images have a high enough resolution and are properly compressed to keep the website loading quickly while maintaining clear images. Additionally, check if your content management system automatically selects the appropriate images based on display size to ensure that images are displayed correctly on all devices.

Compressing images for the website

Compressing images for a website is an important step to improve page load speed and user experience. When images are compressed, the file size is reduced, which helps decrease the bandwidth needed to load the page and reduces the page load time. However, image compression needs to be carefully considered to ensure that image quality is maintained, avoiding blurriness or loss of important details. By using effective image compression tools and carefully selecting the appropriate settings, you can keep your website images both lightweight and beautiful, creating a better experience for users.

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