How to write attractive advertisements customers on Facebook 2024?

To create effective Facebook Ads campaigns, advertising content plays an extremely important role in attracting the attention of target customers. However, you do not know how to create advertising content to support advertising to achieve the best results. In today’s article, Optimal Agency experts will share with you how to write ads that attract and impress target customers. Let’s follow along!

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Criteria for evaluating an attractive advertising article on Facebook

Criteria for evaluating an attractive advertising article on Facebook

An attractive Facebook ad is an article designed to inspire and convince target customers about the appeal and quality of products and services. The goal of the advertisement is to introduce and promote products and services. At the same time, increases brand recognition and the ability to reach and interact with target customers. Besides, it helps stimulate and motivate customers to take action (register, purchase,…).

If you want to achieve those goals, you need to know how to write attractive, engaging advertising copy. With appropriate, creative, easy-to-understand, and emotionally evoking language, it creates a connection with target customers and convinces them to take action and buy the product. Advertisements need to be shaped correctly according to the business’s brand. At the same time, create positive interactions with target customers and their needs.

Factors to evaluate advertising articles that attract target customers include:

  • An attractive title attracts target customers at first sight and is a factor to keep them reading all your advertising articles.
  • Advertising articles need to have clear, feasible ideas and especially must stand out from competitors.
  • The content of advertising articles needs to be unique, touching the emotions and mentality of customers and stimulating them to take action and buy.
  • The length of the advertising article should not be too short or too long but must still ensure to provide enough information to customers to help them feel comfortable when reading.
  • Use simple expressions and sentences, and do not use too many specialized words or abbreviations so that customers feel it is easy to read and understand.
  • The content of advertising articles needs to contain elements that are attractive and attractive and aim at the benefits customers receive when buying or using products or services. You need to fully highlight the benefits that customers receive in your advertisement.

How to write attractive advertisements?

How to write attractive advertisements?

Identify target customers

This is an extremely important step before starting to write advertising articles on Facebook. To do that, you need to sketch a portrait of your target customer in as much detail as possible.
You need to understand who your customers are, how old they are, what their interests and gender are, what their habits and behaviors are,… From there, build the most attractive and quality Facebook advertising content. This is considered a step to learn about target customer insight.
To be able to correctly identify the target audience, you can use the customer insight analysis tool Facebook Audience Insights. Through this tool, you will know exactly the behaviors and habits of customers on Facebook. From there, we can produce advertising content that attracts the most customers.

Shaping the values brought to customers

Besides identifying the right target audience, you need to know what benefits your product brings to customers. The best and most attractive way to write advertising copy is to instead focus on describing the benefits that the product or service brings.
Write your ad in the direction of providing solutions and demonstrating to customers the benefits they receive when buying or using your business’s products and services. Most customers who have not used the service are often concerned about the amount of money they need to spend and the value they receive in return. Therefore, you need to focus on these factors and create attractive advertising articles that attract customers.

Develop advertising content

One of the important stages of writing Facebook ads is arranging and layout the content. Quality advertisements need to have a clear, readable layout and convey the message effectively and quickly. Elements needed in Facebook advertising articles that meet standards and attract customers include:

  • Product name, characteristics (uses, usage…)
  • How is your product/service different from your competitors?
  • Commitment to customers (return policy, warranty…)
  • Call to action (CTA – call to action): Buy now, Use now…
  • Purchase contact information: Phone number, Email. Website…
  • Discounts and promotions to stimulate customers to buy.
  • Use Hashtags to highlight the content you want to emphasize.

In advertising articles, you should use easy-to-understand sentences, simple writing style, and guide readers. The current trend of Facebook users is that they will scroll through long articles and be attracted to articles with beautiful, attractive images and useful videos. You need to pay attention when writing Facebook ads to be creative and concise but still ensure to provide complete information about the product. On the other hand, you can insert emoticons or related icons into the article.

Attractive title

It is one of the factors that plays a big role in attracting customers and enticing them to continue learning about products or services. According to many studies, businesses only have 3 seconds to impress target customers.

The way to write an advertisement that attracts target customers is that during that period of time, the advertisement title needs to ensure attractiveness and provide the benefits that customers need. The principles for writing standard Facebook ad titles and attracting customers are creativity, brevity and curiosity.

You also need to integrate additional elements that attract users with unique, strange, humorous words, promotions,… to provide solutions that make customers curious.

Insert relevant hashtags and calls to action (CTA)

In case you want to emphasize or highlight any content, you can use hashtags, this is a tool that helps connect articles with related content to each other. Most users often search for information by keywords related to these hashtags, then your article will immediately be displayed if it interacts well.
Also, you can insert a call to action which is one of the good tips when writing Facebook ads. Through these CTAs, customers will be attracted to click on the link leading to your sales website. Contact the business via phone number or inbox for advice to help increase interaction and conversion rate for advertising.

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Pay attention to images, videos and articles

These are the factors that attract visitors when they see advertising posts on Facebook. Therefore, you need to focus on images and videos for your articles to attract, impress, and urge customers to click on the ad to continue reading.
However, Facebook advertising has its policies on using images and videos for advertising posts. For Facebook ads, images and videos will need to comply with size regulations and character limits of no more than 20%. Therefore, you need to pay attention to designing images and videos in advertising articles to be the most suitable.

Fully update contact information

If you want customers to read your Facebook ad article and contact your business for advice and purchase the product, leave your contact information at the end of the article. Contact information should be as short as possible but still ensure to fully provide the following elements: hotline, business address, branch, website, email,…

Some popular formulas for writing Facebook advertising content

You not only need to understand how to write attractive ads that appeal to target customers, but you also need to know effective Facebook Ads content formulas to help create the most successful advertising campaigns.


This is a popular model when building advertising content on Facebook that many advertisers apply. AIDA includes 4 stages:

  • Attention: Attention is used to impress readers through many images, text, colors, or using famous people to attract attention.
  • Interest: After attracting the attention of customers, create excitement for readers to encourage them to view more content. With short descriptions at the beginning of the article, or small text descriptions in the images.
  • Desire: Once customers have paid attention and are willing to read the advertising content, create customer demand for the product. By emphasizing the desires or difficulties that customers are facing.
  • Action: To successfully persuade customers, appeal to purchase or contact. Contact information and branding are usually placed at the end of the article.


Another formula for writing Facebook Ads content that you can refer to is PAS. It is an acronym for Problem – Agitation – Solution. In which PAS includes the following components:

  • Problem: Confirm and present the problem that customers encounter through insight research to present the problem.
  • Agitate: Surround and exploit the problem to clarify the reason for the problem and analyze the causes of the problem.
  • Solution: Provide solutions based on each analyzed cause. In this section, products, services, or company brands are often inserted to solve the problem.
  • The method of writing Facebook advertising content often targets customers’ psychology and fears first, while AIDA’s technique targets interest.

ABC Checklist

It is the formula for creating advertising content that is most applied by many advertisers. This is also one of the ways to write ads to attract customers on Facebook. This method is relatively simple, easy, and highly effective.
To write advertising content in this way, you need to list all the benefits that the product brings. After each paragraph of 2 – 3 lines, you go down the line and write a new paragraph. At the end of the post, add a call to action (CTA) and contact information and you’re done.
Through the sharing above, you can understand how to write advertisements that attract the most customers and apply them successfully. Hopefully, this information will help you implement effective Facebook advertising campaigns and maximize sales.

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Frequently asked questions

How many words should a Facebook ad article have?

There are no specific rules regarding the number of words in a Facebook advertising article. However, you need to optimize the number of words in the article to about 100-250 words to ensure the ad is concise and easy to read. Depending on the content and purpose, long or short articles can be used but you need to ensure the appeal and quality of the content.

Should emoji be used in Facebook advertising content?

Emoji can highlight and make content on Facebook interesting. However, you should use emojis that are appropriate to the content and target audience. Use emoji carefully and delicately so as not to lose the professionalism and main content of the article.

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