Instructions for running Google Shopping ads increase sales

Many businesses choose Google Shopping to attract potential customers, promote products, and increase conversion rates. If you want to learn further about this form, Optimal experts will share instructions for running Google Shopping ads in this article.

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What is Google Shopping ads?

What is Google Shopping ads?

Google Shopping ads is Google’s online shopping ad platform that allows users to search, compare, and make quick and easy shopping decisions. Google Shopping is considered a massive online store where businesses store information about their products.

This form operates on two platforms: Google Ads and Google Merchant Center. Google Merchant Center stores data about the products a business sells, organized in a format specific to Google. Meanwhile, Google Ads is a paid online ads service based on per-click payments.

With the explosion of digital technology, Google Shopping Ads are becoming popular. According to various studies, the click-through rate for Google Shopping ads has seen significant growth. Google Shopping Ads are an effective tool for reaching target customers efficiently and accurately.

When you follow the instructions for running Google Shopping ads, Google’s distribution system determines when to display ads based on the data source, website, and bidding price of the business. The system calculates which searches will help your ads display and be distributed to the target audience most accurately.

If the target customers search for information about a particular product or service, Google Shopping ads will appear on the first search results page of Google and in SEO. Search results display 25 products arranged in columns or sliders depending on the device used. Additionally, Google Shopping ads will appear on the right side of search results on computers.

Benefits of running Google Shopping ads

Compared to other types Google Shopping Ads offer many benefits to businesses, such as:

Google Shopping Ads help businesses directly reach target customers. When customers search for product information on Google, Shopping ads display more information—images, descriptions, original prices,…—to potential customers, enabling them to make quick and informed purchase decisions.

The ability to display product images and prices visually enhances the attractiveness of ads and increases click-through rates. Users can see product images and information before clicking.

This type of ad not only attracts potential customers but also converts a significant number of ad viewers into actual buyers. The visual display of product information and prices, combined with customers’ existing purchase intentions, results in a high conversion rate. Compared to text ads, Google Shopping Ads have a conversion rate of over 30%.

When users perform any search queries on mobile devices, Google reserves the top two positions for ad display in search results. With Google Shopping ads, 15 ad results are displayed in a conveyor belt format. The ads will appear smoothly on mobile devices.

In contrast to Google Search ads, Google Shopping Ads use product attributes defined by businesses in the Merchant Center data source to display ads on relevant searches. This makes it easier for advertisers to manage focused campaigns.

Following the instructions for running Google Shopping ads and submitting products with sufficient titles, attributes, descriptions,…, to Google Merchant, you can run Google Shopping Ads campaigns. The setup process is easy and time-saving. Google Shopping also automatically updates changed data on Google Merchant to ensure accuracy.

Advertisers can customize up to 5 labels (numbered from 0 to 4) in the product data of the Google Shopping ads campaign.

Google Shopping provides many tracking and measurement tools for advertisers to easily monitor metrics such as click-through rates, impressions, conversion rates, and other relevant data. Advertisers can gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of their ads campaigns and make appropriate adjustments to optimize business results.

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Conditions for running Google Shopping ads

Conditions for running Google Shopping ads

You have to understand the conditions to run Google Shopping ads:

Your business website needs to be a fully functional e-commerce site that meets the conditions for running ads.

The website provides clear information, including email, phone number, and a precise address. Ensure that the email has a domain matching the website to enhance trust.

Moreover, the website should show information such as payment terms and conditions, prices, and payment methods. Make sure these details are easily visible. You can also integrate payment gateways into the website to enhance the shopping experience.

When running Google Shopping ads, the business must have clear and accurate refund and return policies. This ensures user rights and increases trust.

Security of customer information is crucial when setting up an online store. The business website should have an SSL security certificate, or the web address should start with “https://.”

Besides, to create Google Shopping ad campaigns, the business needs a Google Ads account, a Gmail account for managing the account and campaigns, a Visa/Mastercard for payments, and a Google Merchant Center account.

While you can create a Google Ads account on your own, ad account is usually disabled when adding payment details during campaign setup.

For a smooth and effective deployment of Google Shopping ad campaigns, you should rent Optimal’s Google Ads account. As a high-level Google partner with over 10 years of experience, Optimal offers high-trust agency accounts with the best rental fees and attractive benefits.

Optimal’s Google Ads account provides the best bidding prices for your ad campaigns. By partnering with Optimal, you won’t have to manage ad accounts or campaigns. You only need to provide detailed campaign information and budget. Optimal’s Google Ads experts will ensure that your ad campaigns will active 100%.

Optimal’s experts will send you daily reports on the performance of your Google Shopping ad campaigns. Throughout the account rental period, the Google Ads experts at Optimal will provide 24/7 support. We offer free account set up, content censoring, edit video ads. Specially, we also offer to cloak black hat with any products. For further details, contact via hotline: +84 8 1900 4282.

Keep following the article for instructions for running Google Shopping ads.

Instructions for running Google Shopping ads

Instructions for running Google Shopping ads

Step 1: Create a Google Merchant Center account

To create a Google Merchant Center account, you need a Gmail account. Access the link: Next, enter essential information such as business name, website URL, business address, and contact information. Agree to Google’s terms and click “Create account” to finish.

Once done, you’ll be redirected to the Business Information page in the Merchant Center. Update accurate information about your business or store, then click “Save” to complete the information update.

Step 2: Verify website ownership

On the Business Information page and in the Website tab, Google provides three methods to verify website ownership:

  • Add HTML tag or upload HTML file to your website.
  • Verify using Google Tag Manager.
  • Verify using Google Analytics.

Google recommends adding an HTML tag or uploading an HTML file, as it is the most effective.

When verifying website ownership, choose the appropriate method and follow Google’s instructions.

Step 3: Update data source

This step involves creating a product data source to run Google Shopping ads. Go to the “Product” section, then click on “Feeds.” Click the plus (+) icon to create a new data source, with options to load via Excel, upload a data source name, schedule, or connect via API.

If you choose to create a new data source using an Excel spreadsheet, ensure you fill in all required information correctly. Information should include titles, image links, product prices, descriptions, and availability status. The data file should be under 4GB, and it’s advisable to split it into multiple files to avoid overloading.

In the Merchant Center interface, click the three-dot button on the right side of the screen. Select “Account linking” and then link your Google Ads account by entering the Google Ads account ID and clicking “Send.”

Step 5: Set Up Google Shopping Ads campaign

Log in to your Google Ads account, click the plus (+) icon, select “Create a campaign,” choose the goal: sales, potential customers, website traffic, and select the campaign type as Shopping.

Next, choose the Google Merchant Center account that contains the products you want to advertise. Then, select either Standard Shopping campaign (for traffic or non-targeted goals) or Smart Shopping campaign (for potential customers or sales goals).

Proceed to set up the campaign and ad groups. First, name your campaign, choose an appropriate bidding strategy. If you want Google to optimize your ads, select Manual CPC for bidding. Alternatively, choose maximize clicks or enhanced CPC based on your needs. Set the daily ad budget, select ad display positions, and finally, click “Save” and wait 3-5 days for Google to approve the ads.

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Notes when running Google Shopping ads

You need to pay attention to the following issues to deploy an effective Google Shopping ads campaigns:

When starting an ad campaign, choose only about 30-50 best-selling products with eye-catching images and competitive prices to run ads.

Also, research and determine keywords that are relevant to your business’s products. Explore keywords that potential customers use when searching for similar products, ensuring that ads are displayed to audiences with high purchasing potential.

Create accurate and compelling product titles and descriptions using emotionally engaging language to highlight the benefits of the product and capture customer attention.

Ensure high-quality ad images that effectively convey content and information about the product and the business brand. This optimization helps in minimizing costs and displaying ads to the right target audience.

Focus on monitoring and analyzing the performance of shopping ad campaigns to optimize business results.

Optimize the landing page to promote and sell products with an attractive interface, complete information, and the best shopping experience for customers. This enhances advertising performance and increases conversion rates.

Regularly check and evaluate the effectiveness of ads. Experiment and adjust elements such as headlines, images, keywords, landing pages,…, to find the most effective advertising methods.

With detailed guides on running Google Shopping ads, it is hoped that you can successfully apply them to deploy effective campaigns. For more useful advertising information, visit our website frequently.

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Frequently asked questions

Should I run Google Shopping Ads along with Google Search Ads?

Yes. Since Google Shopping has its display area and is independent of Google Search ads, running both types of ads at the same time won’t affect each other. If you want to increase brand and product recognition, it’s advisable to run both Google Shopping Ads and Google Search Ads.

Should retail stores run Google Shopping Ads?

Most users tend to search for information about products and prices on Google before deciding to make a purchase. Therefore, not only large e-commerce businesses but also retail stores and online shops can benefit from running Google Shopping ads.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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