Instructions on how to Facebook advertising goals accurately

Facebook advertising goals are not just about selecting the audience you want to reach. It is also the process of optimizing your ad campaign, increasing conversion rates, and ensuring engagement from the right target audience. In this article, Optimal Agency will share with you the most effective Facebook advertising goals to optimize your advertising strategy.

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What is Facebook advertising goals?

What is Facebook advertising goals?

The Advantage detailed goals feature on Facebook is an important tool for optimizing the effectiveness of your ads campaign. It was formerly known as the expanded detailed goals feature, and now has been improved and optimized to deliver the best results for your business. By using the Advantage detailed goals feature, Facebook’s ad system can reach a larger user base than the initial target group you identified. This means that your ads will be shown to a more diverse range, including people who the system assesses as likely to yield more results or cost less for your optimization goals.

When you aactive this feature, the system will automatically deploy Advantage detailed goals when it sees that doing so can improve the effectiveness of the campaign. This helps optimize your advertising strategy and ensures that you are reaching the right objectives of advertising in marketing most efficiently.

How to Facebook advertising goals?

To effectively target your Facebook advertising goals, you can follow these steps:

Apply demographic factors

When setting up ads on Facebook, the most important thing is to choose the location, age, and gender of the target audience you want to reach. However, to make your target audience more precise, beyond these three basic options, you should also consider advanced options. Facebook offers free courses on how to use targeting options. We recommend you take these courses before moving on to more advanced ones. Make sure you have narrowed down this basic information for all your Facebook ads. For example, if your product is only intended for ages 18-65, limit it to that age range. Trying to reach everyone of all ages can lead to budget wastage and inefficiency.

Target based on the audience’s income

You need to determine the income level of your customers. Are they people who earn over $100,000 a year, college students, or office workers earning less than 10 million VND a month? If your goal is to promote products/services to a specific income group, this should also be implemented in your Facebook advertising strategy. Facebook allows you to target users based on 30 different financial behaviors. This means that Facebook will display your ads to those who are likely and willing to purchase your product/service. In the “Demographics” section, you can target customers on Facebook based on income level, net asset value, and even liquid assets. However, you may wonder how Facebook knows the income level of users. Facebook uses a variety of third-party data, combined with general demographic information, household information,…, to estimate an approximate figure. Although this number is not entirely accurate, it helps you eliminate inappropriate users from your target ad list on Facebook. How to target Facebook ads audience based on income is still more effective than displaying your ads to everyone broadly.

How to target Facebook advertising goals?

Target audiences interested in travel for Facebook advertising

You can choose any of the following options:

  • People who frequently travel
  • People who combine business trips with leisure travel
  • Regular travelers
  • People currently enjoying a trip
  • Regular international travel explorers
  • Experienced travel last week
  • Experienced travel two weeks ago
  • Used a travel app one month ago
  • Used a travel app two weeks ago

Target audiences who have purchased and used products

In reality, 73% of consumers usually research products online before deciding to make a purchase. Facebook can identify your ideal customer audience through analyzing their previous shopping behaviors. When they search for and interact with similar products, Facebook will display your ads to them. This means that even if they may have just discovered and researched a product on a competitor’s website, you still have the chance to convert them into your customers. Price also plays an important role in consumer purchase decisions. Therefore, Facebook ads need to offer attractive promotions to persuade them to choose your product over a competitor’s. During the ad creation process, you can use the “Behavior” section to explore and select suitable shopping behaviors, and Facebook will suggest options that match your ideas.

Target through the audience’s job

You should state which professional groups your product/service is suitable for and appealing to. Then, you can narrow down the target audience for your Facebook ad by selecting specific jobs in the “Demographics” section. First, go to the “Demographics” section and select “Job”. Here, you can search for job titles or choose by industry. You can also target Facebook ads based on business size, such as startups or small business owners.

In the article above, Optimal Agency hope that our content will help you in successfully targeting Facebook advertising goals.

Please see more:

Frequently asked questions

How Facebook advertising goals works?

Facebook advertising goals operates by identifying and reaching the target audiences you wish to serve your ads to. To do this, Facebook utilizes a range of criteria such as age, gender, locations, interests, online behaviors,… When you set up an ad campaign, you can select these criteria to define your target audience precisely. Facebook will then display your ads to the people who match these criteria, increasing converion and interaction from them.

How to create Facebook ad audience?

To create an ads audience on Facebook, you can follow these steps:
– Log in to your ads account on Facebook Business Manager.
– In the ad management interface, select “Ad Audience” from the left-hand menu.
– Click on the “Create” button to begin the process of creating a new ad audience.
– Name your audience for easy identification in the future.
– Choose the targeting criteria for your ad audience, including age, gender, loccations , interests, online behaviors,…
– Next, you can further customize by adding conditions or excluding certain people from your ad audience.
– After completion, click the “Save” button to create your ad audience and use it in your ads campaigns.

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