The most methods of finding customer insight effective in 2024

Discovering customer insight plays a key role in building an effective marketing campaign. This helps you better understand customer needs, desires, and behaviors, thereby creating a suitable marketing strategy and connecting deeper with the customer group. Let’s join Optimal Agency to learn more about this concept and methods of finding customer insight in the article below.

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What is the concept of customer insight?

What is the concept of customer insight?

Customer insight is the deep inner desires and desires of customers, helping businesses better understand how they think and act. This is the process of interpreting customer behavior and trends based on data samples collected from various touchpoints. These touchpoints may include customer form fill-outs, website analytics, or tracking their shopping journey. To better understand customer insight, businesses need to consider quantitative and qualitative indicators. Quantitative metrics include metric data such as conversion rates, website visits, and sales. Meanwhile, qualitative indicators relate to customer emotions, opinions, and feedback through surveys, interviews, and feedback on social networks. Determining which indicators are important depends on the specific business goals and target audience the business is aiming for.

For example, an e-commerce company may focus on quantitative metrics such as conversion rate and average time on page to evaluate the effectiveness of its website. Meanwhile, a service company may place more emphasis on qualitative metrics such as customer satisfaction and feedback from customer surveys to improve service.

Discovering customer insight requires a comprehensive approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative data to gain a deep and comprehensive view of customers. This helps businesses build effective marketing strategies and create deeper connections with target customers.

Classifying customer insight

There are four common types of customer insight that businesses can access through research and deeper understanding of customers, then integrate into their Brand Marketing plan. These include purchase motivations, demographics, customer feedback, and brand awareness.

Insight responds to customers

One of the most important and popular sources of information to help summarize customer insights is feedback and reviews from consumers. This feedback plays an important role in improving product and service quality, strengthening brand reputation, and maintaining market position. Listening and analyzing customer feedback helps businesses better understand their strengths and weaknesses, thereby offering improvement measures and adjusting appropriate strategies to better meet customer needs. row.

Insight into purchasing motives

Purchasing motivation insight shows the true motivations that drive customers’ shopping decisions. This helps businesses identify factors that influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. These drivers often include product features, quality, how the product is delivered, and the customer service the brand provides. Understanding these motivations allows businesses to tailor marketing and product strategies to meet customer needs and desires, thereby increasing sales opportunities and building customer loyalty.

Brand awareness insight

Brand perception insight is how customers evaluate and perceive a brand. Brands with positive perceptions are more likely to have customers purchase products frequently. Businesses can increase sales by using brand awareness insights to improve their image, reputation, and credibility. This can be done by deriving insights from customer discussions on social media platforms, forums, or surveys. Maintaining and enhancing positive brand awareness helps businesses build a strong and trustworthy image in the eyes of customers, thereby driving sales and customer loyalty.

Demographic insights

Demographic insights are gathered through data on characteristics such as country, gender, age, predicted income, marital status, living location, and more. By learning about demographics, businesses can better visualize their target customer profile. This helps predict shopping trends, and customer preferences and develop appropriate product and service strategies, as well as promotional strategies. Thanks to that, businesses can target the right audience and increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Methods of finding customer insight

Methods of finding customer insight

Finding customer insight can be similar to finding a needle in a haystack, but if you know how and where to look, it will be much easier. Below are effective methods for finding customer insights with tips on how to use them effectively. As follows:

  • Online reviews: Online reviews are an accurate source of information to understand how customers feel about your products and services. From these reviews, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your products and services, and the differences compared to your competitors. Including platforms such as Google, Facebook, Zalo, and other e-commerce platforms.
  • Competitor product reviews: Discovering product reviews from your competitors helps you identify gaps that your product can fill. This also helps you learn about customer expectations for products and services.
  • Site data: Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to collect data on visitor behavior and customer demographics. This includes the keywords they search for, the websites they visit most, and which campaigns are most effective.
  • Competitor website data: Analytics tools like Semrush and Ahrefs provide information about your competitors’ keywords and marketing strategies. This helps you identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to adjust your strategy.
  • Customer surveys: Use surveys to gather opinions from customers about products, services, and purchasing experiences. Questions may include ratings of satisfaction, ease of use, and suggestions for improvement.
  • Analyze behavior on social networks: Monitor and analyze responses, comments, and discussions on social networks. This helps you understand customer feelings and opinions about your brand.
  • Poll on blogs and forums: Participate in forums and blogs related to your industry to learn about opinions and discussions from the user community.
  • Communicate directly with customers: Sometimes talking directly with customers via email, phone, or meetings also brings valuable information about their expectations and needs.
  • Analyze search trends: Monitor search trends on Google and other platforms to understand the issues and needs that are of interest to users.
  • Conduct A/B testing: Create A/B tests to compare the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and identify the deciding factors in customers’ purchasing decisions.

Understanding and using customer insight accurately will help you develop an effective marketing strategy and strengthen relationships with customers. Here’s how to build a strong and successful brand in today’s competitive market. And this is also the way to build a brand positioning strategy.

Through this article, customer insight is not only common information but also the key to helping businesses expand their vision of customers and their development potential. The information that Optimal Agency has shared is a necessary resource to develop products, services, and business strategies most effectively, thereby increasing loyalty and love for the brand.

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Frequently asked questions

Example of customer insight

An example of customer insight can be seen through the marketing campaign of a famous beverage brand. After studying customer behavior, they discovered that young consumers often look for products that are not only delicious but also reflect an active and modern lifestyle. From this insight, the brand developed a new product line with eye-catching packaging design and advertising focused on a healthy, joyful lifestyle. As a result, sales skyrocketed and the brand quickly became the top choice of young people.

What does customer insight include?

Customer insight includes deep insights into customer needs, wants, behaviors, and trends. This is the analysis and interpretation of data collected through touchpoints such as online reviews, surveys, website analytics, and social media interactions. Insight can include information about demographics, interests, shopping habits, product and service feedback, as well as psychographics that drive purchasing decisions. From there, businesses can create appropriate marketing and product strategies to enhance connections and meet customer expectations.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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