The most common mistakes when running Google ads in 2024

In today’s business environment, using Google Ads for advertising has become extremely important in the marketing strategy of many businesses. However, running ads on this platform is not always easy, and there are mistakes that many businesses often make that they often do not realize. In this article, Optimal Agency will help you recognize and avoid mistakes when running ads on Google.

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The most common mistake when running Google ads

Mistakes that you often make when running Google ads are specifically as follows:

The most common mistake when running Google ads
The most common mistake when running Google ads

Lack of Google advertising bidding strategy

Lack of a bidding strategy often leads to overcomplicating business data, especially when determining the relative value of each click – numbers that Google cannot understand or appreciate. Such situations make human errors more apparent, and the lack of a coherent bidding strategy can lead to the rejection of high bids. For example, keywords with a cost per conversion of $1,006 cannot have the same bidding level as keywords that generate leads at $96.98.

Rarely monitor and evaluate the results of advertising strategies

Not measuring the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign is a common mistake that many people new to Google AdWords often make. They often have the belief that if set up properly, everything will go smoothly, but it doesn’t. This is the difference between a Google AdWords expert and a beginner.
When implementing Google AdWords, many things need to be adjusted and optimized. Typically, adjustments need to be made when a keyword’s quality score is low, its conversion rate is unsatisfactory, or when metrics such as CPC or CTR are incorrect. Running Google AdWords without measuring its effectiveness is like moving forward without a goal. Measuring advertising results will help you detect and correct problems promptly to achieve your advertising goals.

Few advertising samples

Having only one ad per ad group does not reflect the full potential of your campaign. One of the notable advantages of online paid advertising is the ability to test and optimize. We can test many different ads in the same ad group simultaneously, collect data, and learn important lessons for the next steps. This allows:

  • Remove poorly performing ads, helping to optimize campaigns.
  • Allocate the advertising budget to the most effective advertising models.
  • Continue to develop new advertising models based on what has been learned from effective advertising models.

Incorrectly target keyword selection

Another common mistake when running Google ads is choosing the wrong target keyword. This often happens when a business does not perform a thorough analysis to determine the right keyword list. Keyword selection needs to be based on the specific goals and budget of the campaign. Sometimes, a keyword with a high search volume may have potential but is not necessarily the most suitable keyword for your advertising campaign.

No negative keywords

One of the biggest advertising mistakes when starting to use Google Ads is neglecting to use negative keywords. Negative keywords allow you to eliminate keywords that are not related to your product or service, helping to reduce costs and increase campaign ROI.
Many Google Ads experts make this mistake, not realizing the importance of adding negative keywords to the list. As a result, they often wonder why the campaign isn’t achieving the high conversion rates they expected. In fact, adding these keywords not only helps optimize the campaign but also increases the quality score of Google Ads.

Instructions for overcoming the most common mistakes when running Google ads

To fix mistakes when running Google ads, please refer to our following steps to improve the quality and effectiveness of the campaign, specifically as follows:

Instructions for overcoming the most common mistakes when running Google ads

Reset reasonable optimal bids

Bid adjustments are an important part of optimizing your Google ads. Google Adwords applies advertising costs based on each mouse click from the ad viewer (CPC = Cost per click). Currently, there are two common types of bids:

  • Manual CPC bid: you can set a maximum cost per click on your ad.
  • Automatic CPC bidding: you just need to set a budget for your ad, and then Google will automatically set the maximum bid for each click.

If your CPC bid is too low, your ad will not appear at the top of search results, making it difficult to reach customers. Therefore, you must adjust your budget accordingly so that your advertising is optimized and more effective.

Fix keyword errors

Search query processing is an important part of effectively managing and allocating budgets across different campaigns, tools, and media channels to maintain the original advertising objective. This way of optimizing Google Adwords advertising includes focusing on the most effective keywords so that advertising products can appear at the top of search results. This provides the best opportunity to reach and expand potential markets. Therefore, it is important to constantly grasp how customers search for products and services on mass media and continuously adjust and supplement the search keyword list on Google Adwords to ensure suitability and effectiveness.

Pause ineffective ads

Temporarily pausing ineffective keywords is an important step in advertising management, helping you weigh advertising costs on Google ads with the value obtained. In the picture below, advertising costs for some keywords can be very high but bring low efficiency, leading to a waste of business resources.

Closely monitoring your advertising process helps you identify ineffective keywords and can pause them. Instead, focus on more quality keywords to optimize your business’s budget. This helps you achieve better performance and optimize ad results.

In this article, Optimal Agency has listed detailed content for you most accurately. We hope that our information can help everyone in finding mistakes when running ads. Google and fix those mistakes to successfully increase the effectiveness of your campaign.

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Frequently asked questions

Advantages of PPC advertising?

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising brings many significant benefits to businesses. One of the biggest advantages of PPC is the ability to increase the speed of reaching potential customers. With PPC, businesses can appear on search results pages and partner websites just after starting a campaign, helping to attract a large number of users quickly. In addition, PPC also allows businesses to strictly control advertising budgets and only pay when users interact, such as by clicking on ads. This helps optimize advertising costs and ensure effectiveness for every dollar spent.

How to build a Google Ads strategy?

Building an effective Google Ads strategy requires careful consideration and planning. First, it is necessary to set a specific goal that you want to achieve from the advertising campaign, whether it is increasing sales, increasing brand awareness, or increasing website traffic. Next, research and select keywords that suit your goals and budget. Then, create attractive and interactive ads, accompanied by quality landing pages to ensure high efficiency. Finally, track and evaluate campaign results to continuously adjust and optimize. This way, you can build a successful Google Ads strategy that brings positive results for your business.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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