Should you run Facebook ads?

With over 2.7 billion active users and an average of 2.5 hours spent daily on social media per person, Facebook is continuously expanding its advertising network to suit various types of businesses. Facebook advertising operates on a “pay-per-click” model, making it the largest and most unique system for Internet advertising. The benefits of Facebook Ads are effective but paid advertising comes with many complex factors. So, is running Facebook ads effective? It’s crucial to understand what Facebook offers to businesses and how to mitigate the risks on this platform. In today’s article, Optimal Agency will learn with you about whether Should you run Facebook ads or not, and follow along!

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What is Facebook Ads?

Ads are short for “Advertising”, which in Vietnamese means quảng cáo. This is a form of promotion where companies or businesses pay to quickly introduce information about their products, services, or brand to a large number of people. Nowadays, advertising can be done through various forms across media such as television, newspapers, radio, social media, YouTube, OOH (Out-Of-Home), and more.

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of the Advertising Law 2012: “Advertising is the use of means to introduce to the public products, goods, services for profit; products, services not for profit; organizations and individuals trading products, goods, services are introduced, except for news; social policies; personal information.”

Should you run Facebook ads?

Yes, it would be best if you ran ads on Facebook because this method will aid your promotional campaign. However, depending on the types of products, you may consider using this service. The specific benefits of running Facebook ads include:

Should you run Facebook ads?

Advertising helps increase brand awareness

With over 2.7 billion active users, nearly two-thirds of all adults use Facebook. This vast reach becomes one of the biggest advantages of Facebook advertising for businesses of all sizes. You can use Facebook Ads for various purposes such as:

  • Promoting a fan page: Increasing Page followers.
  • Marketing goods and services: Introducing products and services to potential customers.
  • Attracting customers to local businesses: Boosting the number of customers visiting your store or business location.
  • Website advertising: Increasing traffic and interaction on your website.

Moreover, you can extend the reach of your existing content both on and off the platform, reaching more people than ever with unpaid posts. Paid ads help increase engagement, impressions, and conversions. This means your content will also receive more views.

Advertising focuses on specific business goals

A significant benefit of Facebook advertising for businesses is the ability to set “Ad Objectives” to increase brand awareness, drive interest in a product or service, or direct conversions. For example, specific ad types can be set up for:

  • Boosted Post: Helps improve engagement or spread high-value content.
  • Page advertising: Aims to attract more people to like the page and interact with the business’s Facebook page.
  • Website promotion: Referrals and increase website traffic.
  • Call-to-action ads: Let people interact with your page with a custom button designed for a specific goal.

In addition, Facebook’s advertising platform allows businesses to focus on broader goals for business growth such as attracting leads, increasing sales, and expanding visibility. Targeting and ad creation options include:

  • Lead generation: Collect information based on your audience’s interests.
  • Conversions: Includes product sales, app interactions, downloads, form fills, etc.
  • Brand awareness: Reach more people and show your ads to interested people.

Facebook Ads is not only diverse in goals but also provides many powerful tools for businesses to optimize their advertising campaigns.

Give users access to in-depth information

Facebook Ads Manager provides businesses with a wealth of performance insights and aggregated data. Every ad you create can be measured through advertising tools.

  • Analytics in Ads Manager allows businesses to see details like audience age, gender, location, and device. These analytics provide deeper insight into ad types and user actions.
  • Attribution reports can help identify the most important touchpoints in the marketing funnel, helping to optimize campaign performance.
  • Additionally, you can compare ads and use split testing options to tweak campaigns with different variations, ensuring the best results.

Facebook advertising helps businesses target the right target audience

Social media advertising allows advertisers to focus ads on specific target audiences using user data. This is one of the advantages of Facebook advertising over search PPC advertising.

One of the main benefits of Facebook advertising is that the platform is rich in data. Audience Insights provides comprehensive information about people interacting with your fanpage and Facebook as a whole. Marketers can use this data to transfer audiences to Facebook’s “Ads Manager” tool, allowing microtargeting of audiences that are most relevant to your business.

Diverse types of ads for users to choose from

With Facebook advertising, you’re not limited to certain ad types and aren’t tied to just plain text ads (like search engine PPC). There are many types of ads to choose from for your Facebook business campaign:

  • Photo: Photo ads are still images with captions.
  • Video: Video ads come in a variety of lengths and can appear in-stream, in a user’s feed, or Stories.
  • Story: A custom ad that takes up the entire screen, can be a video or still image. When users click on a Story ad, they will be taken to your website (or whichever page you set).
  • Messenger: This ad appears between conversations on the Facebook Messenger App.
  • Carousel: Carousel ads include up to ten static images that users can scroll through.
  • Slideshow: This ad shows short video-like clips created with motion, sound, and text.
  • Collections: Collection ads feature multiple products in a single ad, all of which users can interact with.
  • Demo: These are interactive demo games that users can view before they download the app or game.

Facebook Ads is to increase the ROAS index

Facebook is dominating the advertising market with many diverse types. Facebook Feed, Messenger, and Marketplace all hold top positions among advertising platforms. According to a Statista report, 41% of marketers surveyed claim that Facebook gives them the best return on advertising (ROAS). Effective advertising on Facebook helps push your fanpage to the top of the most popular social media sites for marketing. In addition, according to statistics, Facebook currently accounts for 40% of annual digital display advertising revenue, surpassing even Google PPC.

The lowest cost of Facebook advertising

According to, the average CPC (cost per click) on Facebook is the lowest among the four major platforms. The only costs you need to cover for Facebook are the budget-related expenses for running ads. The cost of running ads on Facebook is determined by several factors, such as budget, ad type, and industry. However, marketers generally pay anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars per click.

Data from Wordstream indicates that marketers in the apparel, travel, hospitality, and retail sectors typically see the lowest CPCs, ranging from $0.45 to $0.70.

Combine a variety of media

Facebook is a versatile platform that allows you to post and share different types of media on your fan page. You can easily upload infographics, and videos, and share links from YouTube or other websites.

Ad testing tools

Facebook Ads provides businesses with testing tools to improve advertising results. A/B testing allows you to display similar ads with minor differences to determine which adjustments are more effective over time based on the data collected. Split test ads can be set for periods ranging from 1 to 30 days with specific budgets and customized audiences.

Fast ad campaign results

Effective Facebook ads are ideal for brands wanting to execute both short-term and long-term digital marketing strategies, as they can generate revenue and conversions as soon as they launch. Once ad campaigns are set up in Ad Manager and approved by Facebook within 24 hours, they will start running and be visible to thousands of potential customers immediately. The effectiveness of Facebook Ads can be seen within a few days.

Retargeting strategy

Retargeting ads target audiences or visitors who have previously interacted with your brand or shown interest in your business. This strategy helps increase revenue, boost conversion rates, or achieve better ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). To implement this strategy, you use the “Facebook Pixel” – a small piece of code placed on your website to track user behavior, including the actions they take. Additionally, Facebook ads benefit businesses by providing the “dynamic ads” option, which targets specific retargeted shoppers.

In this article, Optimal Agency has listed detailed information to help you understand the concept of Facebook Ads and the benefits of advertising on Facebook. We hope that the content shared will assist you in making the most suitable choice for your promotional campaign.

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Frequently asked questions

Instructions for running free fanpage ads

Below is a basic guide to running ads on your fanpage for free:
Content Optimization: Create posts that are engaging, quality, and relevant to your target audience. Use images, videos, and compelling descriptive text to attract attention.
Engage with the community: Actively interact with followers by replying to comments, inboxing, and liking their posts. This helps build relationships and increase engagement.
Use Live and Stories features: Take advantage of Live and Stories features on fanpage to create content that is close, authentic, and highly interactive with followers.
Share diverse content: Not only do you run product advertisements, but you should also share entertainment content, tutorials, and other useful information to attract the attention of your followers.
Use the right keywords and hashtags: Optimize your posts using the right keywords and hashtags to increase your post’s appearance on search pages and in hashtag lists.
Remember, although there is no direct cost, running free fanpage ads still requires an investment of time and effort to create quality content and actively interact with the community.

How many days should ads run?

Deciding on when to run your ads is an important part of your social media marketing strategy. For each campaign, this depends on the specific goals, budget, and characteristics of the product or service being advertised. A short-term campaign may be suitable for increasing brand awareness while a long-term campaign is suitable for generating conversions and increasing sales. Understanding your audience and market is also important for success, helping you determine the best times to run your ads and optimize results.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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