Google AdWords keyword match types and how to choose

If you know how to choose a suitable keyword match type for your business goals and advertising strategy. When you deploy Google Ads campaigns, you will optimize your budget and reach many potential customers quickly. What is a keyword match? What are the Google AdWords keyword match types and how to use them? In today’s article, Google Ads experts from Optimal Agency will share useful information about this issue. Let’s follow along now!

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What is a keyword match?

What is a keyword match?

Keyword match is one of the most important parts of a Google Ads advertising campaign. Shows the degree of match between the ads displayed on Google and the terms that users search for.

The match level of keywords is used to calculate advertising fees and determines the business’s ability to display ads based on user search behavior. That means the higher the match between the keywords the advertiser uses and the customer searches for, the more the ad will be approved to participate in the auction.

This is a term for the types of keywords used in Google Ads advertising. To control Google searches and activate the business’s advertising campaigns. Keyword matches in Google AdWords are a tool that tells Google how a keyword needs to match a user’s query for an ad to be displayed.

When you first start advertising on Google search, you need to choose a keyword match type. Google will know how to connect your keywords to relevant user search queries. From there, advertising can reach the right target audience group.

Keyword match types in Google Ads help control relevant searches across search engines. At the same time, it helps limit fake click rates from competitors when activating your ad display.

You can use broad keyword matching to attribute your ads to the terms for customers’ searches. Or you can use exact match to focus on specific customer searches. Businesses need to know keyword matching to bid appropriately for keywords to deliver ads to the most phrases that users search for.

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The impact of keyword matching on Google ads

The impact of keyword matching on Google ads

Keyword match types in Google AdWords greatly affect the performance of your ad account. Besides, it helps you strictly control search queries when bidding and optimize Google Ads effectively. Detail:

  • Businesses can easily control which searches are likely to display ads.
  • Ads will be displayed better when businesses choose broad-match keywords.
  • Through selected search terms, businesses can accurately track keyword variations that are searched and ads displayed.
  • If you want to control your ads from being shown to customers who don’t need them, you can use negative keyword matching.
  • Depending on the goals and advertising budget, businesses can adjust their Google Ads campaign to the most appropriate keyword match group.

Google evaluates ad quality based on many factors: relevancy of ad content and landing page, landing page experience, and expected click-through rate. For ads to be displayed on Google, businesses not only need to bid competitively but also need to have a high-quality score.

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What types of keyword matches are there in Google AdWords?

In Google Ads, there are keyword match types including phrase match, broad match, exact match, and negative keywords. To learn more about the characteristics of these keyword match types, please continue reading the content below:

Broad keyword match

Is the default match type assigned to all of your keywords? If you just enter a normal keyword without special characters, Google will assume you’re using a broad match. The ad will then be displayed to all search queries related to your keyword in any order. Includes misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations.

The advantage of this type of match is that it helps advertisers reach the most target audience. It’s even possible to reach out to keywords that search users aren’t bidding on. This helps attract a large amount of traffic to your website.

However, because ads try to reach as many people as possible, even queries that aren’t relevant result in a wasted budget. Furthermore, when users access the website and see content that is not the same as what they are looking for, they will leave quickly. Google will then think that your ad is not of good quality and brings a bad user experience, so it will limit its display.

Use a broad match to search for user search queries. With new search queries, you can rely on conversion tracking data: number of form completions, contact clicks, and number of chats. From there, determine which search queries are worth adding to the keyword. Negative keywords will be added to ineffective queries to limit display.

To better control the expanded match, add a “+” sign before each word of the keyword. Then the user’s search query needs to have 4 words with a “+” sign in front for your keyword to be activated to participate in the auction.

Phrase matching

This is a form of keyword matching in Google AdWords that when used you can show your ads to target customers who are searching for the exact keyword and close variations of the exact keyword. By adding additional words before or after your keywords (can add quotation marks before and after the phrase).

Compared to broad match, phrase match’s ability to reach users will be lower. However, ads will be displayed to queries related to the products and services you provide. This helps optimize your advertising budget when attracting users who do not need to visit your website.

In addition, traffic to your website will be better quality because ads will only be displayed to truly interested people. Besides, the likelihood of them staying on the website and making purchases will be higher. This is a positive signal about the quality of your advertising, which will help you reduce costs in bidding rounds.

When using phrase match, you should check and negate words unrelated to the product or service you are advertising. Keywords with the same related topic will be added to the same group. From there, you can optimize the landing page and create more effective ads related to the topic.

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Negative match

Also known as negative keywords, it is a form of keyword matching in Google AdWords. When a user searches for these words, the ad will not be displayed. This match type is used to prevent ads from appearing when users perform search queries unrelated to the product or service, or that result in low conversions.

Access the established campaign and select Negative Keywords to set up negative keywords. Then you add negative keywords and use previously installed negative keyword lists.

This match type will be applied when building an expanded Adwords campaign. However, there is an orientation to limit display for a certain group of keywords that are not from the group of potential customers. There are 3 types of negative matches:

  • A negative broad match is a match type that when used with an ad will not show if the query contains all the keywords in the negative keyword phrase.
  • With a negative phrase match, your ad won’t show if the query includes the negative phrase in the exact order you entered it.
  • In the negative exact match, the ad will not show when the user enters the exact negative keyword phrase.
What types of keyword matches are there in Google AdWords?

How to choose the suitable keyword match

Depending on your business strategy goals and the search terms you want to be displayed for, the way to choose keyword matching is different. After learning about the keyword match types in Google AdWords above, if you want to choose the right keyword match, keep the following tips in mind:

Exact keyword match is a great choice if you want tight control over your ads. This match type is highly competitive and has lower ad visibility than other match types.

Exact keyword match is a great choice if you want tight control over your ads. This match type is highly competitive and has lower ad visibility than other match types.

If you want to reach many of your target customers but still want to control detailed targeting, choose phrase match. This is to avoid ads being displayed when customers are searching for terms that are not related to the product or service you are providing.

If you are new to the market and have not yet identified the specific needs of your target customers, choose a broad match. You can apply this type of match to evaluate whether queries are related to keywords that customers are interested in searching for.

Additionally, you need to combine it with a negative match to prevent ads from appearing for unrelated queries and optimize your advertising budget.

Please consider carefully when choosing keyword match types in Google AdWords to ensure your Google Ads campaign achieves the highest efficiency. Hopefully, you will make the right choice to help achieve your advertising goals and optimize costs!

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Frequently asked questions

Which Google AdWords match keywords should I use?

When you first start running Google Ads, use exact match keywords. If you are proficient in running ads and know how to negate potential keywords well. At the same time, to prevent fake clicks, use phrase match type. To get even better, you can use conditional broad match.

What if you want to change keyword matching in Google Ads?

In case you want to change keyword matching when implementing Google Ads campaigns, you just need to access your campaign and then find the Keywords section. Next, move to the Search Keywords section and you will see a list of running keyword lists. Then, to change a series of keywords, check the Keywords box to choose to change all keyword matches and then select the appropriate match type to change.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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