The secrets to building a Landing Page with a high conversion rate

Advertising and marketing activities aim to attract traffic and drive customers to a landing page. However, if the landing page is not compelling and does not convert well, businesses will waste a lot of time, effort, and resources. Understanding this, today Optimal Agency will share the secrets to building a landing page. Follow now!

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What is a Landing Page?

Also known as a destination page, is a web page designed to attract visitors and encourage them to take a desired action such as registering, purchasing, downloading an app, making a phone call,…

This type of web page has a simple structure and focuses on specific goals like collecting customer contact information, selling products or services, or filling out a form.

Landing pages are often used in online marketing campaigns such as pay-per-click ads, email marketing, social media,… These pages are designed to capture the visitor’s attention and provide them with information or encourage them to take action.

The common landing pages are collect leads landing page, intermediate conversion landing page, sales landing page, registration landing page, informative landing page. Each type of landing page has its unique purpose and characteristics tailored to the specific needs of a business.

Basic structure of a Landing Page

Each landing page is created with its purpose and function, so the design may vary. However, a specific landing page will generally include the following key elements, which are also secrets to building a landing page:

Basic structure of a Landing Page

Top content

This is the first area users see on your page. Marketers use this area to describe the content in the first 600 pixels or more of the landing page to attract customers. The main contents in the top area include:

Main Headline: Let customers know they are in the right place with what they expect. It provides an overview of the landing page and can pique the viewer’s interest in some way. Depending on the products, services, or what you want people to see on the page, you can use different types of headlines.

Supporting Line: This area supports the display of other important details. If the main message is in the main headline, the supporting line adds important details to make the headline more attractive. Not all landing pages need a supporting line, but if included, it enhances the appeal of your landing page.

Hero Shot: This is where you can insert images related to the content you want to convey. It is as important as the headline, so choose beautiful and relevant images.

Benefit Summary: While not necessary for every landing page, this part can be crucial. The benefit summary connects readers from the top content to the rest of the page. If used, write it concisely, simply, and to the point.

Call to Action

After presenting captivating headlines or images, you need a call to action that aligns with what you want people to do on your landing page. Most people look for quick information, so your call to action must be clear and persuasive.

Benefit-Driven Features

When someone visits your landing page, you are on the right track. However, to convert visitors into potential customers, you need to give them a compelling reason.

Don’t just highlight what makes your business unique; provide a reason why they should choose you over others. Depending on what you are selling and your target customers, show them what they need in various ways.

Social proof

After showing customers the benefits they will receive if they convert, provide evidence to persuade them. Most people do not trust marketers’ claims. Include reliable and verifiable proof in the social proof section on your landing page.


If someone reaches the end of the landing page, it is an opportunity to persuade them to convert. With a strong argument or statement, summarize everything mentioned earlier and add supplementary content that can help the customer convert. Most people do not read this part, but for those who do, a good conclusion can influence whether they hit the back button or convert.

Secrets to building a Landing Page

Secrets to building a Landing Page

Ensure an attractive and scientific interface and layout

The overall interface and structure of your landing page design greatly impact its effectiveness and how it drives conversions. The main goal of a landing page is to make it as easy as possible for visitors to convert. However, you must ensure that all elements on the page work towards this conversion goal.

An effective landing page design should use smart colors and eye-catching images. Certain colors for call-to-action (CTA) buttons, like red or green, are believed to increase landing page conversions. However, ensure a strong contrast between the CTA button and your background. Experiment with colors, positions, and sizes to find the most effective landing page layout.

Write compelling headlines

The headline of your landing page should answer the question every potential customer has when they visit the page. Provide a convincing reason to attract and retain customers. The headline should be short, compelling, and pique the customer’s curiosity by offering a solution to their problem upon clicking.

Use the headline to communicate offer value

A good landing page must have an attractive offer and explain why it is valuable. The headline and subheadline of the landing page provide the main opportunity to promote your offer’s value. Most effective landing pages validate the offer with the headline and use the subheadline to elaborate further on the offer.

Create clear messages

Always use concise, benefit-focused content on your landing page. Let people know what they will get if they purchase a product or sign up for a service. This should align with the messages in your marketing campaigns, such as Facebook ads, Google ads,…

It’s crucial to address customer problems quickly and show them what they might miss if they don’t act. Your target audience has a short attention span, and a professional landing page must quickly address their needs.

Prioritize important information at the center

Don’t make visitors scroll down to find important information. Your most crucial information should be placed above the fold so visitors don’t miss it. Place impactful messages in prominent positions throughout the rest of the page and provide supporting information in other areas.

Provide specific benefits for the target audience

Target customers are interested in how brands or businesses can help them or improve their lives. Therefore, your landing page should clearly state the benefits potential customers will receive upon converting. Provide specific benefits for the target audience so they can see them.

Add relevant images and videos

Images and videos not only make your landing page more appealing but also convey your message visually to visitors. Charts, icons, screenshots, slides,…, not only provide additional information but also stimulate visitors’ interest, increasing their trust and conversion rate.

Include a clear and repeated call to action

If you want visitors to take specific actions on your landing page, provide clear and persuasive calls to action, such as completing a contact form, making a call, downloading a document, sharing a comment, etc. It should appear at least twice—above the fold and at the end of the page.

Make the landing page mobile-friendly

It is essential to ensure your landing page is easy to navigate on mobile devices, given the increasing number of mobile users. Research shows that a mobile-friendly website can double the conversion rate. Ensure your landing page is mobile-friendly: easy to navigate, fast-loading, and user-friendly. This is one of the secrets to an effective landing page.

Keep the fill-in information form short

As an online marketer, you want to collect as much data as possible when users visit your website. However, to create a good landing page, make the form as short as possible.

The more information you ask visitors to enter, the more likely they are to abandon the form and not convert. Only ask for the essential information you need.

Customize the landing page for each audience

If you have a great offer and the ad promoting it is running well, you may receive traffic from various sources. Customize your landing pages for different audiences to increase conversion rates.

Match landing page content with PPC ads

Effective landing pages must have content that matches the keywords and text used in pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Repeating the same language and keywords ensures consistency and assures visitors they are on the right path.

It is crucial to guide visitors to the content they are looking for. Link to the correct product or specific customer desire to facilitate conversions by providing the right solution for their problem.

Conduct A/B testing

To design a professional landing page, you need to conduct A/B testing. An effective landing page cannot be created without thorough testing. Conduct tests and monitor the performance of your landing page. Create different landing page samples with variations in content, headlines, structure, and test to see which one yields the highest conversion rate.

By the article above, you now understand the secrets to building a landing page professionally and effectively. We hope this information can help you successfully deploy ads campaigns and marketing.

Please refer to:


What is the difference between a Landing Page and a Website?

Many people often confuse landing pages and websites. A website is a collection of interconnected web pages that provide information about a business, organization, products, and services. In contrast, a landing page is a standalone web page created specifically for a marketing campaign to attract and guide users to take a specific conversion action, such as registering, purchasing, downloading an app,…

How to attract people to the landing page?

Popular sources of landing page traffic include pay-per-click (PPC) ads, SEO, social media, and email marketing,… Some traffic sources require spending part of your marketing budget, while others, like SEO, are free if you are willing to invest time and effort.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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