How to check page live ads from A to Z for beginners

Recently, the phrase “Fanpage ads live” has been mentioned frequently by many online businesses. Using this fanpage effectively can help businesses achieve thousands of orders per day. What is Fanpage ads live? Why should online businesses buy fanpage ads live? How to check page live ads accurately. Let’s find out with Optimal Agency how to check page live ads accurately in the following article.

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Understanding the concept of page live ads

Page ads live is a type of fanpage on Facebook, that allows users to both livestream and advertise in that livestream. This form of advertising is highly effective for online businesses, helping them interact directly with customers, thereby increasing accessibility and boosting revenue strongly.

According to statistics as of April 2023, Vietnam has about 85.1 million Facebook users, accounting for 85% of the population. This shows the strong influence of Facebook on the Vietnamese market, turning it into a fertile land for individuals and businesses to develop online businesses. With a reasonable and effective advertising strategy, increasing sales will become simpler than ever. In particular, buying fanpage ads live is currently one of the most popular forms of advertising, because it not only brings high target customer reach but also helps optimize online business campaigns.

Livestream combined with advertising not only attracts attention but also brings a real interactive experience to viewers, thereby creating trust and stimulating them to buy in real-time. Therefore, fanpage ads are gradually becoming an effective tool for those who want to boost revenue and develop their brand on the Facebook platform.

How to advertise livestream on Facebook?

To run effective ads on Facebook, you need to meet certain conditions, including setting up an advertising account, using an international payment card, and owning a Fanpage with a blue tick. Here are the details of each condition:

How to advertise livestream on Facebook?

Condition 1: Visa or MasterCard international payment card

Another important factor when running ads on Facebook is that you need to own an international payment card, such as Visa or MasterCard. These cards allow you to pay for advertising costs to Meta, whether you run ads domestically or internationally. Using an international payment card helps ensure that all advertising costs will be processed quickly and securely while helping to maintain a continuous advertising campaign without interruptions in payment issues.

Condition 2: Advertising account

Facebook offers two main types of advertising accounts: personal advertising accounts and business advertising accounts.

  • Personal advertising account: This type of account is for individual users to manage small advertising campaigns, often used to promote personal products and services. Individual users can create their advertising content and link it directly to their payment cards to pay for Meta.
  • Business advertising account: This type of account is for businesses, helping them manage and coordinate multiple advertising campaigns at the same time. Business advertising accounts offer more powerful features, including the ability to manage employee advertising accounts, link to business payment cards, and verify the identity of advertising accounts. This makes it easier for businesses to control large advertising campaigns, optimize performance, and ensure security.

Both types of advertising accounts support the effective setup of advertising campaigns and management of related costs.

Condition 3: Fanpage with blue tick

A Fanpage with a blue tick is a symbol that the account has been verified by Facebook as the owner, often used by big brands, celebrities, or KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders). Owning a Fanpage with a blue tick not only brings higher prestige to customers but also ensures that your page is not fake or fraudulent.

Fanpages with blue ticks also have some superior privileges compared to regular Fanpages. One of the most outstanding advantages is the ability to run livestream ads more easily and quickly. The approval process for livestream advertising campaigns on Facebook for Fanpages with blue ticks is often processed automatically and faster than pages without blue ticks. This helps you save waiting time and quickly deploy ads to reach customers.

For advertising campaigns to be displayed, Facebook requires approval within 24 hours or longer. However, with a Fanpage with a blue tick, this approval process can be processed faster, helping your advertising campaign start immediately, especially with livestreaming.


Owning a suitable advertising account, an international payment card, and a Fanpage with a blue tick are essential factors for you to be able to successfully deploy livestream advertising campaigns on Facebook. These conditions not only ensure that your advertising campaign is approved quickly but also help increase the reliability and efficiency of your business on this social networking platform.

How to check page live ads

To check if your fanpage can run livestream ads (Page Live Ads), you can follow the steps below. This is a simple process to determine the livestream advertising feature on the fanpage.

Step 1: Create a livestream

First, access your fanpage and turn on a live livestream. This is a basic step to prepare for checking the ability to run livestream ads. You need to ensure that the video is live to continue with the next steps.

Step 2: Go to “Ads Manager”

Once the livestream has started, open Facebook’s Ads Manager. You can access this tool via the link: This is where you will set up an ad campaign to test the ability to run livestream ads.

Step 3: Try setting up a new ad campaign

In the Ads Manager interface, create a new ad campaign by following these steps:

  • Select the Engagement item in the campaign objective section.
  • Then, click Continue to start the detailed setup process for the ad campaign.

Step 4: Set up an ad campaign to check Page Live Ads

Next, you need to set up an ad campaign:

  • Select the conversion location for your ad.
  • When you get to the engagement type, select Video Views to target your ad to people who watch the video.

Step 5: Select livestream post

In this step, when you reach the section of selecting posts to advertise, find the post that is live streaming on your fanpage and select it as the advertising content. Then, proceed to post the advertising campaign.

Recognize based on the results

  • If Facebook accepts the advertising campaign and allows the livestream post to run ads, this means that your fanpage has activated the Page Live Ads feature.
  • On the contrary, if Facebook reports an error and does not allow the advertising campaign to be implemented, it shows that your fanpage does not have the Page Live Ads feature.

With these simple steps, you can accurately check whether your fanpage is capable of run livestream ads on Facebook or not, thereby effectively utilizing Page Live Ads to increase interaction and revenue for your business.

How to check page live ads

Page live ads bring many benefits to online business

With the strong popularity of Facebook’s social network, many individuals and online businesses have effectively taken advantage of this platform to promote products and services. In particular, fanpage ads live is a form of livestream advertising combined with paid advertising, bringing many benefits to online business. Below are the reasons why online businesses should buy fanpage ads live.

Wide coverage, attracting many views

Livestream advertising on Facebook can reach a large number of users at a fast speed. In particular, with the targeting feature through age, gender, interests, and user behavior, fanpage ads live help your livestream video appear in front of the most potential customers. Livestream not only creates intimacy but also attracts high attention from viewers, helping your product to be known by many people and spread quickly. This is an ideal opportunity for businesses to reach customers and increase sales.

Effective customer interaction and approach

Fanpage ads live not only help you reach potential customers but also facilitate direct interaction with them. When live streaming, you can introduce products, answer questions, and provide product usage instructions in real-time. This ability to interact directly helps create trust, convincing customers to quickly make purchase decisions. In particular, this form helps increase the rate of closing orders right at the time of livestream, with the number of orders reaching thousands per day. This makes fanpage ads live an extremely powerful tool in increasing sales, making many businesses and individuals willing to invest to own it.

Enhance brand reputation

Selling directly via livestream on fanpage ads not only brings immediate results in sales but also helps enhance brand reputation. When you answer questions and advise on products, customers will have a deeper insight into the products and services you provide. This not only helps customers feel more secure when buying but also creates a good impression of the brand’s professionalism. In addition, fanpage ads live also help businesses differentiate themselves from competitors, thereby strengthening their position in the market and improving long-term business efficiency.

Using fanpage ads live in online business not only helps to effectively reach and interact with customers but also contributes significantly to building and developing the brand. This is an advanced and effective advertising solution, worthy of investment for individuals and businesses to achieve breakthroughs in revenue and reputation.

The above article has shared details on how to run Facebook Livestream ads for both blue tick pages and regular pages. Optimal Agency has summarized the benefits of Livestream sales advertising today, along with simple but effective tips and instructions for both types of pages. Wish you success!

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Frequently asked questions

Enable Facebook in-stream ads

Facebook in-stream ads are a form of advertising that appears in videos that users are watching on this platform. When enabling in-stream ads, businesses, and content creators can insert ads between long videos. This helps them monetize video content and increase the ability to reach viewers more naturally. In-stream ads usually appear after about 30 seconds of the video, ensuring that viewers have started interacting before the ad is displayed, thereby increasing advertising effectiveness and revenue.

Enable Ads Live on Facebook

Enabling Ads Live on Facebook is an effective way to optimize sales via Livestream. This feature allows you to run ads directly on Livestream videos, helping to increase coverage and interaction with customers. To enable Ads Live, you need a fanpage with Livestream capabilities and a linked advertising account. After starting Livestream, you just need to go to Ads Manager, select the Livestream post to run ads, and monitor campaign effectiveness in real time.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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