How to increase automatic interaction on Facebook with high efficiency

Automatic engagement tools are a useful tool for businesses operating on Facebook to increase interactions and likes on their fan pages. This can help attract attention from potential customers and effectively increase sales opportunities. In today’s article, Optimal Agency will instruct you on how to increase automatic interaction on Facebook.

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What is automatic interaction on Facebook?

Automatic interaction on Facebook involves using applications to increase likes, comments, and shares immediately after posting a status, image, or video. For entrepreneurs, increasing likes can improve interactions on their fan pages. Users can also participate in increasing likes for Facebook posts or engage in like exchanges. Automatic Facebook interaction increase tool helps improve the level of interaction on the fan page, creating a sense of trust for customers when they see a significant amount of interaction.

Should you use automatic interaction on Facebook?

Facebook users typically use like-increasing services without malicious intent. Therefore, Facebook does not prosecute or suspend accounts using these services. Currently, Facebook does not prohibit the use of automatic like-increasing software through the authorization of tokens to perform natural like exchanges. However, when using automatic like-increasing software, you need to be cautious about the risk of your Facebook account being hacked. For free software, users are often required to log into their accounts.

How to increase automatic interaction on Facebook?

How to increase automatic interaction on Facebook?

To increase automatic interaction on Facebook, you can consider the following tools:

Facebook Likebot

The Facebook Likebot software is one of the first tools developed to increase likes on Facebook. Likebot works based on the exchange of likes. When you use the software and like other pages or posts, points are accumulated in your account. Then, these points are converted into likes for your pages, posts, images, or videos. If you want to quickly increase likes, you can buy points for your account. However, to avoid increasing likes too quickly and arousing suspicion from Facebook, you should set a daily like limit. This helps maintain naturalness and avoid Facebook’s suspicion of your activities.

XFace 10 Pro

The XFace 10 Pro auto-like Facebook software is a tool for increasing interaction on Facebook. It is available in both free and paid versions. It is developed based on AI technology, automatically making friends and interacting with comments as naturally as possible. The free version of the software provides basic features that help increase interaction with personal accounts, fan pages, or groups. This tool works based on analyzing images, statuses, and user comments. From that, it creates natural interactions. This helps your activities frequently appear on the News Feed and supports effective sales on Facebook. Moreover, the app focuses on two main features: increasing likes for fan pages and followers on personal Facebook. Further, key features of the software are: automatically invite users to like the fan page, interact with posts, automatically send bulk messages, and automatically accept and send friend requests.

Simple Account

Simple Account is one of the popular software used to increase likes on Facebook today. Its main feature is to increase likes for fan pages and enhance interaction for posts. Additionally, Simple Account can interact with messages with various emotions, with most being genuine likes and interactions, creating a natural and gradual amount of interaction. The working principle of Simple Account is quite simple, based on inviting likes. It operates by inviting your friends to like the page. However, whether they accept to like the page depends on them. To use this software, you need to create multiple Facebook accounts and each account needs to have many friends. Then, you can connect your Facebook account with the software to use the feature.

Facebook Yolikers

Yolikers is a software for increasing likes for Facebook fan pages. It can attract an unlimited number of fan pages, posts, and comments, each post will bring you 200 likes and up to 10,000 interactions per day. Notably, Yolikers provides a free service for increasing FB likes; just by logging into your Facebook account, you can use it immediately. Then, you just need to select the automatic like mode and provide the image, post, or Facebook page to activate the application. It operates based on Facebook’s Graph API, Yolikers ensures high security and does not cause spam issues for your account. Additionally, Yolikers has standout features such as increasing likes for posts, photo albums, automatically commenting, sharing posts; increasing likes and interactions for fan pages; and enhancing interaction levels on personal pages.

Hublaa Liker

Hublaa Liker is an effective software that helps increase the amount of interaction and likes on personal Facebook pages. With this tool, you can receive up to 350 likes and up to 15,000 interactions per day. Particularly, Hublaa Liker offers personalized likes using Facebook reactions and increases interactions by liking other people’s posts. Further, it stands out by the following features:

  • Increasing likes for posts, statuses, photos, uploading/downloading videos, albums;
  • Enhancing interaction levels on personal pages;
  • Replying to messages, automatic commenting.


FBoost is an effective tool for enhancing sales activities on Facebook. By using this tool, you can increase likes for your page, posts, images, and videos. Thereby expanding your reach to more potential customers. Key features of FBoost include:

  • It is a free application that helps increase likes on Facebook.
  • The interface is simple and easy to use.
  • It supports increasing likes, comments, shares, and views.


This is an effective tool for increasing interaction on Facebook. Its interface is simple and user-friendly. This increases likes on Facebook quickly, thereby enhancing your business effectiveness. The software does not spam and automatically searches for posts to interact with, including commenting naturally and flexibly. Also, it is a standout feature of the tool, making it easy for users to operate and customize as desired.


This software provides an automatic and consistent increase in likes, ensuring privacy protection for your like images. Further, the key features of this tool are:

  • Increases interaction and the number of comments on posts.
  • Enhances the appeal of live streams on a page or personal profile.
  • Increases the number of 5-star ratings for fan pages, enhancing the page’s credibility.
  • Increases the number of subscribers and interactions with the page or profile.

Currently, this software is widely used due to its cost-effectiveness compared to similar software, along with many attractive offers. Users can easily create a reputable and quick fan page or profile with support from the software.


Users can use the Swipa software to upload videos and images and receive likes on Facebook. For each upload, you will be ranked higher and have more opportunities to appear on popular posts. Key features of Swipa include:

  • Free daily like increases.
  • Higher rankings with more downloads.
  • Enhances the popularity of photos and videos by receiving more likes.
  • Enhances your profile by attracting a large number of likes.

Max Like Page

To access the superior features of Max Like Page, users must pay a fee of 1,000,000 VND/year. The process of using Max Like Page is simple, just paste the account cookie into the software, then enter the uid of the fan page you want to increase interaction with, and customize the software configuration as desired. The key features of the software include:

  • Automatically likes fan pages in large numbers.
  • Supports multiple pages simultaneously.
  • Automatically changes IP addresses.
  • The software interface is easy to use and intuitive.
  • Integrates functions based on the browser.

In the article above, Optimal Agency hopes that you learn about ways to increase automatic interaction on Facebook. From there, choose suitable interaction tools to contribute to the success of brand promotion campaigns on Facebook.

Please see more:


When does increased interaction lead to Facebook account suspension?

Facebook has strict policies regarding the use of software or services to artificially increase interaction. If your engagement activities are detected by Facebook as unnatural or in violation of their terms of service, your account may be suspended or banned from interacting for a certain period. This usually occurs when there is a significant discrepancy between the level of increased engagement and the normal behavior of the account. To avoid account suspension, you should adhere to Facebook’s regulations and only use engagement enhancement methods that Facebook accepts.

Free auto-comment software

Some free auto-comment software has become popular on social media. These applications typically allow users to automatically create and post comments on posts, images, or videos on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. However, the use of this software should be considered carefully, as some social media sites may view the use of auto comments as a violation and it could lead to user account suspension.

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Optimal Agency

Optimal Agency is a business established in Vietnam. With deep knowledge of the advertising market, customer behavior and a diverse portfolio of resources, we aim to provide you with high-quality digital marketing services.


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